More absolutely stupid things said by leftist morons day of Berdoo Muslim attack – IOTW Report

More absolutely stupid things said by leftist morons day of Berdoo Muslim attack

15 Comments on More absolutely stupid things said by leftist morons day of Berdoo Muslim attack

  1. Not one of those clips contained the words “Muslim”, “Jihad”, “Radical Islam”, “ISIS” or “Terrorist”. However, it did contain words such as “trigger”, “work place violence”, etc. WTH!!!!!!

  2. According to Obama, Whites are the terrorists, Whites are evil.

    Do not know if anyone has seen this movie:

    Obama’s America 2016……it is a movie documentary by Dinesh D’Souza. One of Obama’s half brothers, George Obama, gives an introduction, semi critical of Hussein Obama.
    Hussein has said we are our brother’s keeper, yet Hussein has not helped his half siblings.
    (I had an ex brother just like Hussein)
    I have read some articles on George Obama and George seems to contradict himself. Yet it is hard to know what is true in these articles.

    After it was released, D’Souza had false charges brought against him. He was being targeted by the facist left and Obama’s minions.

    I was just told about it by someone. Amazon has it for various prices. I am buying it.

  3. We are constantly warned to NOT insult their religion and especially do NOT offend their “Prophet Muhammad”….How in the world do you offend a people who hold up as their spiritual leader a man who Murdered his enemies, ordered people he conquered to be killed, raped and enslaved and was a practicing pedophile. What could you possible say or do that is worse than the person who founded their evil cult, The Pedophile prophet Muhammad? If this evil cult is beyond insult because of what they actually do and believe, then how can a civilized society possibly co-exist with such evil?

  4. That we even have people on the so-called conservative side who still call this a “religion” is maddening. Even Levin talks about his friends who are “good Muslims.” How can you be a “good Muslim” if you believe in Sharia? Isn’t that what their book commands?

    Maybe they need to read about the Middle East Christians who were killed and their homes burned down by their “good Muslim” neighbors they had lived alongside for the last 20 years. These people are the Rottweilers of the human race. And it’s hard to include them in the catchall of “human race.”

  5. “People who stand by and do nothing; who say nothing can be done to fix problems…that’s a voice of evil”

    So, when leftists tell us there’s no way we can prevent muslim terror attacks…?

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