Mystery Site – Medusa. Real or Fake? – IOTW Report

Mystery Site – Medusa. Real or Fake?

There’s a “feminist” site that is being linked by right-wing sites in order to shine a spotlight on their ridiculous progressivism. Granted, it is pretty hard to separate earnest left-wing nutballism and parody. But I do believe this site is a hoax.

Here are a few examples-

Make Masturbation Illegal for Men

Without porn to look at, more men will just masturbate to fantasies they create in their mind of women they know in real life. This is even worse than just jacking it to porn. Sex workers are aware that their image will be sexualized and accept that but when a man masturbates to a woman he know in real life without her consent, that is telepathic rape. It’s sick. It even affects the victim although she may be unaware but it lowers her energy.

Don’t Gender your Pets

They cannot tell you that they are being misgendered. It’s important not to make assumptions about what gender your animal is based off of its sex.

Try to give them a gender-neutral name instead and calling them gender neutral pronouns like they and them. You may be thinking “why is this important? This is just an animal?” Well it is important because typically pets are more important to their owners than just “animals.” Also, it’s an important way to practice getting rid of gender norms all together.


4 Ways To Reduce Your CIS Footprint On Society

Give your children non-gender names

River, Xander, Gray, Sky, Blanket, Apple and Table are just some of your options, but the rule of thumb is to keep it neutral. And if you’re unfortunate enough to be pregnant with a white male (It’s not too late to terminate!), the battle is only just beginning against his natural rape urges. I wish you the best of luck as neutral names only get you so far…

Are Canker Sores Sexist?

I will admit I was not woke enough to know this was a problem until it was introduced to me by a friend of mine, Mager. He showed me an article saying that canker sores were more prevalent in females than males. While this itself does not seem to be a problem, upon further research, I realized that this is literally oppression.


As much as I enjoy satire, I don’t think it’s cool to carry the joke so far that you insist on keeping up the appearance of being an actual site.


Because we don’t need any help pointing and laughing at actual feminists.

Thanks for the effort, Medusa, but it’s time to reveal yourselves as hoaxers. Why do we need you when we have people like this —> ?


18 Comments on Mystery Site – Medusa. Real or Fake?

  1. Just found the site, read through the few “articles.”

    NOPE…I now believe they’re *truly* unhinged (NOT satire). It’s 100% within the boundaries of Leftist twaddle. There’s not a hint of over-the-line-here’s-my-snarky-tipoff there.

  2. BFH,

    I respectfully disagree with your position that such sites are counterproductive. The more satire and ridicule that demonstrates just how crazy the beliefs of the Left are, even to the point of being unsure that it actually is satire, the better. It only illustrates how insane their actual beliefs are because it just might be true.

    Besides, how many websites has the Left maintained for years that exist solely do that to the Right, on top of their standing army of comment drones and paid disinfo agents? They started this. Time to out-moby the mobies, I say.

  3. I just glanced at the site. I’m 70/30 that it is very well done, very deep cover satire. If so, what makes it well done is the fact that every word of it is indeed perfectly plausible as something insane leftists would truly believe.

    If it isn’t satire, then it still proves the point.

  4. @grool:

    I thinks it’s written in the right language and in that relentless mindless condescension that prog fems use.

    If it isn’t real then I applaud the writers and give them the early 1970’s National Lampoon Award. This is just as good as they stuff that gave us the Vacation franchise (which btw were funnier in the magazine than on screen.)

  5. You need facebook to comment.
    I don’t have it but,
    I hope someone here with facebook
    would post on the pet/gender article:
    “Please write a follow-up article on your experience milking a bull.”

  6. It’s a tough call. Satire is using exaggerated examples of a subject to show the absurdity. Dealing with the disjointed thinking of the left is nothing but absurdity.

  7. Not sure the usual definition of satire applies here. Mobies have fun lampooning the Right…all you need to do is take a position held to by the Right and stretch it absurdly, just a bit to maintain your cover. It takes practice and, most importantly, time to learn how to spot mobies.

    This is very different. When you have a movement of literally insane people who want to impose their insanity on everyone else, it’s almost possible to lampoon them in such a way that the canny reader will recognize it as satire. Why? BECAUSE THEY ARE INSANE TO BEGIN WITH. How over the top can you go from people who already are far over the top? I’m not sure you can.

  8. Here’s an example:

    Were these guys actually promoting infanticide? Or were they just doing a philosophical thought experiment where if the usual justifications for abortion are applied consistently, then parents should be able to legally abort [murder] infants as well?

    A Leftist could make either argument AND MEAN IT, depending on how crazy they are.

    A conservative could write a satirical op-ed using the exact same information and chain of logic.

    We would be hard pressed to tell which was which.

  9. “It even affects the victim although she may be unaware but it lowers her energy.”

    That’s too fucking stupid to be anything but real.

    A satirist of that caliber would be wasting his talents – and his position in History and Literature alongside Swift.

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. If the right starts linking it as if it is real and it is not then we get called Fake News.
    At any other time in history I would agree with you Grool, but not now.
    Not when we have Fake News as our main talking point and we are winning.

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