Prominent Muslim Scholar Accused of Rape – IOTW Report

Prominent Muslim Scholar Accused of Rape

Newser- One of the world’s leading Islamic scholars is on a leave of absence from the University of Oxford amid allegations that he raped two women. Tariq Ramadan, Swiss-born grandson of Muslim Brotherhood founder Hasan al-Banna, has denied the allegations made by two women in France and filed a slander complaint, Reuters reports. One woman, author Henda Ayari, says Ramadan “literally pounced on me like a wild animal” when he attacked her in a Paris hotel room in 2012, reports the BBC. Ayari says the Harvey Weinstein accusations inspired her to come forward.

The second accuser, a disabled woman who says Ramadan beat her and raped her repeatedly in 2009, has chosen to remain anonymous. “By mutual agreement, and with immediate effect, Tariq Ramadan, Professor of Contemporary Islamic Studies, has taken a leave of absence,” the British university said in a statement, adding that the accusations had caused “heightened and understandable distress.” Ramadan, 55, said he “saluted” the statement, which he said “defended the principle of the presumption of innocence without minimizing the seriousness of the allegations against me.” The Guardian reports that four women in Switzerland have told local media that Ramadan sexually harassed them when they were teenage students in the ’80s and ’90s.

14 Comments on Prominent Muslim Scholar Accused of Rape

  1. Bring it on !
    For years Muslim’s have been Raping and Killing here in the U.S, and Liberal women have given them a pass. But now we have uncle Harvey news out there, and they realize like Zombies that it’s Rape wev’e been talking about all this time ! They are slow…Really Slow to understand Reality, now’s better than never !!!

  2. “The second accuser, a disabled woman who says Ramadan beat her and raped her repeatedly in 2009..”

    Bears, wolves, raccoons, and dogs have been euthanized for less egregious acts

  3. and btw, “muslim scholar” may as well read ” fastest left hand anus wiper”.

    Let’s look at a calendar and decide this is the century we are finished with this barbaric segment of humanity.

  4. I never liked the guy. I thought it was due to his hideous accent; I mean Amjam Chowdery gets my wanting to clean my AK- don’t get me wrong. But Chowdery’s accent and coupled with his ‘in your face’/ ‘by ROP we mean once we murder all the infidels there will be peace in this world’ honesty only got me to clean the AK. But Tariq Ramadan’s accent plus his very slimy “Islam means Peace” while speaking English and hailing his grandpapa as a hero while blathering in Arabic got me target shooting with my AK.

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