Rubio, So Far, Provides Line of Questioning Which Best Defends Trump – IOTW Report

Rubio, So Far, Provides Line of Questioning Which Best Defends Trump


Rubio Wonders Why Defense of Trump Wasn’t Leaked

Sen. Marco Rubio’s line of questioning was one that largely defended Trump’s actions and insinuated that leaks to the press are one-sided in an effort to undermine the president.

Rubio asked Comey if the three things Trump asked for in their meetings were: 1.) To ask for Comey’s loyalty, 2.) To ask Comey to “let” the investigation go and 3.) For Comey to make it known that Trump was not being investigated.

“Why didn’t that get leaked,” Rubio asked Comey of his third point regarding Trump not being investigated.

Comey said he didn’t know but added that high-level intelligence briefings to the Congressional “Gang of 8” are “tightly held.”

19 Comments on Rubio, So Far, Provides Line of Questioning Which Best Defends Trump

  1. Gad, what nonsense.
    If there are any Aliens monitoring my posts, I will trade you half of my liver if you abduct and probe James Comey and those Lickspittles on the Left

  2. If there was ever the Do-Right-iest of Dudleys, Comey is the one! Just ask him!! I bet he is the one perfect person who’s $*it doesn’t stink. Ask him. He probably wrote himself a classified memo on a classified laptop about that.

  3. Looks like Comey just took down the “Gang of 8” along with his own stupid self. Whoever coined this criminal group the “Gang of 8” missed the irony in their self description.
    Not that anyone gave them a minuscule amount of credit for intelligence.

  4. “Because it’s all bullshizzle.
    Such theater”

    Yea, especially when you consider the Russian connection bull shit was cooked up by Podesta and Hillary. The MoFo’s that are actually connected to the Russians. I’d like to see and grand total of how much this bull shit is costing us. Comey loves that camera.

  5. Just said the same thing to a friend of mine watching too. Rubio seemed more in line of defending Trump. None of the 3 things he brought up are criminal and thought it was surprising that with all the leaks coming out of everyone’s ass, that nobody leaked Trump was not under investigation.

    Also telling was when Comey was asked about leaked stories he had heard in the press and noted they so wrong or ridiculous. That just tells everyone that the MSM and their anonymous sources were all BS.

  6. And while all the planet is focused on this bullshit, North Korea is testing anti-ship cruise missiles possibly intended for the carrier battle group that just “happens” to be parked off the coast in anticipation of “nothing” except maybe WWIII.

    But, priorities.

  7. I wrote my Repub congressman to start billing the DSC and DCCC for these investigations and hearings.
    It’s their sham shit show. Own it and pay for it. It’s the Dems who want his scalp well show us the evidence or pay for it. THAT would end it rather quickly if they had to foot the bill. Of course they do have Sore-Ass.

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