The Carly Moment Everyone is Talking About – IOTW Report

22 Comments on The Carly Moment Everyone is Talking About

  1. Excuse me while I catch my breath……Wow! Just the most incisive, articulate, informed and utterly bad-ass retort to Chrissy’s questions that left the fool wondering how to react! He never stood a chance and actually gracious of him to acknowledge why she did so well in the debate. Just an amazing woman and top of my list right now…go Carly!

  2. she is very articulate for a bumbling politician, oh that’s right she isn’t a politician!
    what a breath of fresh air.

    she didn’t have to think about her words and insert the standard poltical duh, umm, errr, because she believed what she was saying and knew it to be true.

    way to destroy chrissy, all he had left was , duh duh duh, what hillary lies?

    I love how he kept trying to ask her about hillary’s lies like he didn’t know she lied in order to not acknowledge that he knew she was a liar.

  3. It’s a shame she hasn’t renounced her pro amnesty position or global warming belief.

    She’s quick witted and needs to actually look at the AGW methods and data, nobody with half a brain would believe that crap then.

  4. I don’t know about her stand on amnesty and GW, but I heard her interviewed by Hugh Hewitt (I think) before the Trans-Pacific Partnership vote. He asked her what she thought about it and she replied that she thought it would be good for America and congress should vote for it.

    My problem with that was the secretiveness with congress not being able to read it before they voted. Now where did I hear about that happening before?

  5. She did better yesterday by being in the first debate than she would have done in the second. She had an opportunity to stand out and she took it. Hard not to like her.

  6. Thanks, I’ll look into it. When she was an adviser to the McCain campaign she was very much into the AGW camp and “alternative” energy. I hope she has changed for the wiser.

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