The Idiocy of the Wealthy Socialist – IOTW Report

The Idiocy of the Wealthy Socialist

Ben Shapiro penned this the day that the bevy of Hollywood a-holes endorsed Sanders.

California is the land of hypocrites.

As I pulled into the parking lot adjacent to my radio station in Los Angeles, I noticed a Mercedes R500 sitting next to me. Between the Mercedes symbol and the R500 label sat a big, fat bumper sticker: “BERNIE SANDERS 2016.”

The Mercedes R500 retailed at $71,000 back in 2006, when the well-off young gentledriver’s parents presumably purchased it. Now, their kid pulls up to the pricey Equinox gym (sticker price: $160 per month) with a bumper sticker touting the virtues of redistribution of wealth.

This is the privileged generation of Americans. They’ve been able to benefit from the free markets of their parents; they can afford to purchase Fine water to sip while running on the world’s highest-end ellipticals, then clean off beneath the rain shower head before heading out to brunch at Gracias Madre. Then, that night, they head off to the LA Memorial Sports Arena to listen to a 73-year-old socialist babble on about the evils of the system that granted them their wealth.

America has become so wealthy that its citizens now ignore the source of that wealth. “It’s not all about the money” is an easy thing for rich people to say. But ask the billions around the globe living in abject poverty whether trashing a system that guarantees tremendous baseline economic opportunity seems like a great idea.

But this is what happens when no one teaches young Americans the morality behind the system that guarantees economic opportunity: young Americans decide that “higher morality” dictates the death of that system. Young Americans don’t desire an Xbox and a car — they desperately want a feeling of meaning and belonging, none of which capitalism naturally provides.

Socialism, however, does.

The outcome: California. It isn’t just the incoherence of bumper stickers and car brands that makes California the center of American hypocrisy. It’s the fact that Californians routinely embrace more regulation and higher taxes in order to feel that quick boost of self-esteem, and then spend effort and time attempting to avoid those rules. Nannies expect to be paid in cash, because all the same people who voted for higher employer taxes refuse to pay those taxes. Young Californians only use free market Uber after endorsing higher minimum wage and more restrictions on transportation. Californians take massive tax deductions, but only after voting to raise their own income taxes.

None of this makes California more livable. Instead, Californians live in a fantasy world of their own making: a socialist utopia with a thriving black market, in which the popularly backed economy fails while individuals strive to avoid it. All of which runs fine, until the day that Bernie Sanders actually closes the loopholes and cracks down on the cheating. Then the Mercedes turns into a Yugo, and the bumper sticker finally lands where it belongs: on a product of socialism rather than free markets. – Ben Shapiro

16 Comments on The Idiocy of the Wealthy Socialist

  1. It’s pretty much the same here in The People’s Republic of New York. New Yorkers are already paying a cost of living that is close to the highest in the nation (only San Francisco and possibly Hawaii are higher), they’re being taxed to death, and yet they still keep right on voting for meatheads who give them more of the same–like our illustrious anti-fracking governor, Andrew Cuomo.

    I recently dawned on me that just about any trend that’s screwing up my life, from higher produce prices to bedbugs to minority overentitlement, is a problem in the creation of which libs have had a hand. I am sick of their bleeding – heart sensibilities, big – government mantras, and holier-than-thou moral sanctimonies. I look at Donald Trump ‘ s success, and it all makes perfect sense to me–he’s the only one bold enough, and with a good enough grasp of cause and effect, to put a stop to this shit.

  2. “Then the Mercedes turns into a Yugo, and the bumper sticker finally lands where it belongs: on a product of socialism rather than free markets.”

    No, it turns into a Chevy Volt, as the alternative energy utopia is also a product of socialism.

  3. It’s not just the wealthy, I saw a white guy driving a small Korean car yesterday on my way home from work with a Bernie 2016 bumper sticker. I wanted to yell at him that Bernie’s an effin commie but I didn’t. They need a bumper sticker that says Dickheads for Bernie.

  4. Nah, couldn’t sleep.

    Hon, if you could see the way the minority employees at my workplace (who are the majority in this instance) behave, you’d understand why this is such a hot topic with me.

    There was a recent episode that really clarified this for me. The black woman who shares my office showed up at work one morning with her 7-year – old son, who is a darling young man but on this day was sick as a dog. The poor boy was coughing up a storm. Unwilling to 1) catch whatever he had and 2) have my concentration interrupted by loud hacking all day, I complained to the supervisor.

    Surprise! The woman was NOT sent home and told to take one of her 26 annual paid vacation days or 13 annual paid sick days to care for the child. Instead, I was offered the chance to work at the desk of a co-worker who’d taken the day off, and was treated to a supercilious little lecture about how “hard” it is for “people with young children who work” and how “we’ve all been there.”

    I would no more think of bringing a sick child into my workplace than I would of chopping off my arm. I wanted the slap the white male supervisor into next week.

    I blame Obama.

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