Wanna see what your brain looks like on drugs? – IOTW Report

Wanna see what your brain looks like on drugs?

The acid test: for the first time, we know what the brain on LSD actually looks like.


NewStatesman: A new landmark study has skirted cultural taboo and legal red tape to produce images of LSD’s effects.

There has been a great deal of research into LSD and its effects on humans, but most of it took place in the decades after the drug was discovered in 1938. In the Sixties, it became illegal in many places, but more importantly for scientists, it was also listed as a Schedule One drug in the US and UK – meaning it was no longer eligible for clinical resesarch. [<— Snip: That is their misspelling. Probably volunteered for the study. 😀 ]

But this week, a team from Imperial College and the Beckley Foundation (which is dedicated to the study of consciousness and reforming drug policy) has released the first images of the brain on LSD produced since the clamp-down over half a century ago.

Click here to see the Colorrrrrrzzz 

6 Comments on Wanna see what your brain looks like on drugs?

  1. These acid heads are skipping over (at least in this article) the massive brain damage LSD can cause. I’ve known a few people who did way too much LSD – the results are not positive.

    Yeah, hallucinating is neato – I get it. Killing massive brain cells at once is not.

  2. drriff, I was thinking the same thing.

    They forget the consequences, the flashbacks, the whatevers because they wanted to be ‘edgy’.

    If you look around on that website, they’re pretty far left.

  3. I have a friend who was a garbage head back in the 70’s who did far too many drugs. Now I don’t think he even knows who he is or if he’s still alive. I’ve seen too many people in my generation (the dumbass baby boomers) become total basket cases and I didn’t like it then and I still don’t like it now, especially since Wash. State and Colorado legalized marijuana. I don’t need to lose or want to lose any more of my friends to the stupidity of illegal or legal drugs. With me it’s personal, we don’t need any more deadheads of any kind both baby boomers and their dumbass spawn.

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