Who is This Moderator on Redstate known as Bill S.? – IOTW Report

Who is This Moderator on Redstate known as Bill S.?

I went over to Redstate, the site holding the event that rescinded Trump’s invitation, to read the comments and it looks like the aftermath of a tornado. This Bill S. guy is deleting comments at a rate I’ve never seen before and he’s banning people and sending them off with a message that indicates he’s enjoying it. From what I’ve seen, people are being banned for seemingly little reason.

This comment was deleted.

-You’ve already said your piece.

This comment was deleted.

-And you go to the Pile, as well.

This comment was deleted.


-We’ll put you on the list of “idiots I sent to The Pile”

-Door’s over there, Skippy. Don’t let it hit you in the tush.

-You didn’t listen to me, though.


drohan00: Yeah. Say that to the 100,000 Somalis in Minneapolis-St. Paul. They are net takers. They are cultural misfits. They engage in the same types of grooming and child molestation and rape they engaged in when they were in their home country. But you cannot say anything because that’s not politically correct.

We turn down doctors from the first world so that we can relocate whole villages from foreign cultures that have no business being here at all.

In modern terms, there is no assimilation, unless its Americans being made to assimilate to other cultures. I am certain that the 1/4 of Guatemala that lives in the U.S. right now are net-taxpayers instead of net-benefit takers. It’s laughable.

You really are a sleazebag.

-You’re done with your comments on this thread.

– Bye.

– Bill S Mod: “Moratorium on the 3rd world” gets you an “I hate Mexicans” ban. Not surprised, since this is the kind of nutbaggery that Sideshow Don has generated.

You sir, are a globalist, cheap-labor Democrat. America has NO obligation to take anyone — especially H1-B cheap labor code monkeys who work for half the salary an American would. This country exists for the good of its citizens. In say fifty years, once we absorb all the current immigrants, if we actually had a real need for immigration, then we should take EUROPEAN immigrants first, just as our nation always has.
-You, sir, are out of here.




85 Comments on Who is This Moderator on Redstate known as Bill S.?

  1. I went there this morning to read the comments, and there were around 300, now there are 255, and Trump tweeted the link, so there should be thousands! The FB link I went to to jump to the site comments had 1.5K comments, It was hard to find one that supported Erickson. That link now has 6k comments and Erickson is getting brutalized! Go here if you want to see the public flogging:


    I’n not sure how it will come up, but look at the comments from Ericksons post.

  2. Redstate is notorious for that. I have been banned their twice for minor statements. The first time I was banned for agreeing with Ann Coulter. Erickson sucks and so does Redstate. I never go there anymore.

  3. Chamber of Commerce would be my guess.

    The Dem-Cong want undocumented voters

    Jebba the Hutt supporters want cheap labor

    Win-win for them and a Kevin Jennings style fisting for everyone else

  4. I don’t know, but as my first exposure to a site where a writer’s thoughts – and I use that term loosely – are headed as a “diary” (that would be DK), I tend to be cautious if not downright leery. That alone, like M. Kelly, is too cute by half.

  5. EXACTLY!!!!!!

    My first visit to RS I made a face like I was watching competitive crocheting because the posts were called “diaries.”


    Why emulate the closet fruitcake Markos Moulitsas?

  6. Red Snake banned me once and I have never been back nor will I go back. I find it extremely funny that The Donald is causing all of these quasi-Conservative’s ( for the money) are in total meltdown and becoming a puddle of tepid water faster than Frosty on a hot July day! Another benefit of Trump is he is exposing the charlatans that talk a good story but harbor other malicious and harmful mis-directions as directed by their Masters! Just for a laugh old Rupert was in a mighty snit and acting all moralistic about his planned and directed debate. What was the name of his English rags that got him some mighty large sums of dirty money? Yeah, he is as white as the driven snow!

  7. Ban Erickson???
    If you’re confident someone is a douche you let them talk.

    I don’t even agree with burning the Koran. I think excerpts should be read nightly on the Tee Vee.
    Then people could fully understand the dreck in it.

  8. Creepy? With the kind of behavior going on over there by the mods, I would think we are owed something resembling an explanation. Since one will not be forthcoming from RedState staff, I attempted to find answers on my own — and failed. I’ll keep looking, I guess, but unethical bothers me a lot more than “creepy.”

  9. Sounds like one of Jim Rob’s He-Man Mormon Haters that conducted the last big member purge over at Free Republic during the 2012 campaign against anyone who complained about the ongoing discussions concerning “the Mormon Question”.

    They tombstoned hundreds of members over that.

  10. I almost got banned here for not knowing who Kelly Osborne is. I don’t watch 20 hours of tv a day and had no idea who she was. I thought maybe her parents were someone important in politics. Nope. Just some dopey little kid.
    And I wrote ‘WHO’

  11. The operative word is “almost.”
    No one will be banned.
    That’s me reacting to a comment I loathe. Don’t equate me with RedState, if you do I will ban you. (lol)

    We can’t take a poll to find out who knows who before we spotlight a lefty that has said or done something stupid.
    And it’s not the “who?” that really gets me, it’s the “why should I care what they think?” that has to end.

    That remark can be said about, for instance, Barack Obama in 2007. I would say it was probably really important to care what he said back then.
    Maybe if he was on the blogger’s radar a little earlier they could have gotten ahead of the curve and stained his reputation.

  12. I too stopped listening to rush for the same reason.
    I really like the way you think. Basically like me, but I don’t have the college degree.
    Hope to see you here more often.

  13. I don’t have a college degree either. I attended school but never finished. I work by day in retail, and spend a few hours every week working for the sports department of a local radio station. I’m about as blue collar as they come, Dude.

  14. I couldn’t find anything on “Bill S.” specifically other than he is in his mid 50’s and claims to be ultra Christian / conservative (from one of his posts at redstate).

    I did notice something about redstate though – it is part of “Townhall Media” which is part of “Salem Networks”. Salem radio is the outfit that falsely tries to pass off Michael Medved and Hugh Hewitt as conservatives (I see Medved as a “progressive” pretending to be a republican while Hewitt (he of the plastic smile) is just another GOP establishment promoter).

    Salem owns Townhall.com, Redstate, HotAir, Twitchy and Human Events among others. I used to like some of these sites when they first appeared, but have noticed as they got taken over by Salem that the content and quality went downhill significantly.

    It appears to me that they’ve all become cheerleaders for each other (supporting the Salem brand) and the political candidates and celebrities they are told to push by the corporate goofs who seem to be GOPe lackeys. Less and less do I find anything worthwhile at these sites and it seems to me that all of Salem’s “content” is trying to create the desired narrative for the corrupt republican establishment hacks in DC rather than promote a true conservative agenda.as they like to claim.

    I think they are a profitable hoax intended to trick conservatives into believing that the GOP actually supports conservative causes and ideals.

  15. No. How else can EE read everyone agreeing with him?

    I’m no Erick Erickson, and this is not meant to equate my range with his, but hell, I write stuff on here with the sole intention of it NOT being echo-chambered, just to stir the pot of monotony.

    I knew when I wrote the piece about trophy hunters smiling in pictures with their catch, and how I didn’t like those kind of pictures, I was going to be pig-piled.
    Did I think for one second that it would be a majority opinion? Are you kidding?

    But what kind of mental case writes or does something that you know many people won’t agree with it and you just come out swinging with the ban hammer?

    That’s psychotic.

  16. I am leery of any lefty site that uses Disqus for commenting. Moron.org used to use that, and regular commentators could get my comment deleted. All it took was for the comment to get “flagged” three times and it was automatically deleted. Once I figured that out, I trolled their most commented on posts and flagged and deleted every comment on that thread! They bumped the level up (to 5, and then 10 I think), but refresh and flag enough, and it was automatically gone! Moron.org switched to FB commenting after that, a quickly blocked me, but It did rid them of the ability of users to delete comments, the moron.orger’s had to do it them selves. Sites use Disqus to control the content, and if they need to control their commentators, be aware that they can….and will!

  17. “But what kind of mental case writes or does something that you know many people won’t agree with it and you just come out swinging with the ban hammer?”

    The Big E, for one. I really think he is the Kos of the right. And that is not a fact I would be proud of.

  18. Totally agree on the Medved critique.

    Locally, 660AM radio is usually pretty conservative, my favorite being Dennis Prager.

    Many years ago, about 10 programs of Medved was all I could take before I started shutting the radio off when he came on.

    He is not a conservative. He’s the guy that tries to have you like the RINOs and vote for the establishment picked candidates.

  19. Oh my gosh! I’ve been thinking Ewe Rickson was a RINO piece for at least 5-6 years. I used to go to Redstate but abandoned it when he prostituted himself to the lib station.

    I turn off Rush when Ewe hosts. I actually became suspicious of Rush because of his backing of Ewe.

  20. I think Big E really believes the shit he’s peddling. He’s no Machiavelli. Unfortunately, like so many other Dextrospheric pundits, he seeks to change the political landscape with voting, and that ain’t gonna happen Ladies and Gents.

  21. Well if you feel that way about Big E, I can tell you that’s how I feel listening to or even reading most so-called conservative pundits. I can’t believe some of the utter drivel people ostensibly get paid to write — in print, even!

  22. Moi? You flatter me. I briefly dabbled in BlogTalkRadio, during which time I even had a conversational interview with the late Andrew Breitbart. Unfortunately it became prohibitively expensive and never really went anywhere.

  23. Wow, you either have electrodes hooked up to your nuts, work for Red State, or are having a coke filled binge at the office with your secretary. Hopefully a woman. What the F is up?

  24. None of the above, Brad. I am sitting in a terrestrial radio studio watching and listening to the Minnesota Twins getting their ass kicked (currently 15-4 Cleveland in the bottom of the 8th). My life isn’t nearly as glamorous as some aspects of it might suggest.

  25. While we’re on the topic, AB didn’t think Trump is a conservative, FWIW.

    I’ve managed to mix it up with Joy McCann/Little Miss Attila on FB tonight – she thinks Trump is a terrible person and didn’t seem to get (from my perspective) that what I object to all this fainting couch set-up crap out of Kelly’s camp. Really, that it appeared to be a railroading. I’m turning in and not going back to address it now – people to take care of and it’s getting late.


  26. Yes. If Trump will be a trainwreck, he doesn’t need anyone’s help.
    The thing is, no matter what we all think of him, moderators and news corps should not be picking winners for us. I don’t like it when lefties do it, and I certainly won’t stand it from the right, or the center either.

  27. I don’t know who anyone is, but everyone knows me on their ban list, except for IOTWR and a few places I can post still. For some reason BFH & CO. continue to put up with my belligerency.

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