Will DC Pols Be Shocked If Americans Run Out of Tolerance For Them? – IOTW Report

Will DC Pols Be Shocked If Americans Run Out of Tolerance For Them?

I was just playing poker online and a guy showed up with the Eiffel Tower Peace Sign as his avatar.


I couldn’t help chatting.

I asked, “uhhh, Mugambo, how is France going to attain peace?”

“Tolerance,” came his ridiculous answer.

I asked, “does that mean taking in refugees?”


“Hmmm. The refugees, they’re coming from a country that is nearly 100% Muslim, no?”

“Ya, so?”

“Well, 100% Muslim countries are violent. That’s why Muslims are fleeing.”

“Ya, and?”

“So Muslims can’t get along with other Muslims, but you expect them to be on board with multiculturalism and diversity in France? Diversity in these countries means one person wears a full burka while someone wears just a head scarf, and still there is violence.”

“Ya, but the refugees are running from their civil war over Assad as head of state.”

That’s how it began. That’s not what is happening now. The “fog of war” has allowed ISIS to emerge in the chaos and unrest. As for the refugees, first of all, you have no idea who is mixed in with this grab bag of Muslims entering these countries. There’s been violence and rapes within the refugee camps themselves.

Secondly, refugees are simply the ones losing in the Muslim war over how best to erect a caliphate. The “crazies” want to do it quickly, with violence. The refugees are all for the caliphate, but they have the patience of a Bonsai master. They may or may not see it happen in their lifetime, and they’re cool with that, but they still are devout Muslims who are contributing, passively, if you must, to the takeover of host countries. Polling of Muslims in Europe say that the majority want Sharia law.

Thirdly, the refugees are unwilling to fight “the crazies” in their own country. So, what good are they in new countries that are battling ISIS and ISIL? On paper, they are a net loss, at best. More likely that this will be an utter catastrophe and grave mistake.”

“Complete bullsh!t.”

“Do the math. Eventually France will be majority Muslim. Once they are, they’ll have open borders with other Muslim countries. Soon France will be having problems just like Syria, they’ll be riddled with “crazies.” 100% Muslim countries aren’t even safe for Muslims, how are minority French infidels going to fare? So what is the wisdom of allowing your country to become Muslim? Eventually everyone will run out of countries to flee to, no? That’s why the best course of action is to shut off the west from the middle east.”

Mugambo?  Mugambo???? Come back, Mugambo, you still have a few chips!”


31 Comments on Will DC Pols Be Shocked If Americans Run Out of Tolerance For Them?

  1. I wonder what the tipping point will be for the French.

    Will it be when the Eiffel Tower is dynamited? The Louvre?

    When all wine production is shut down to appease the muslims?

    When the famously lascivious French women are forced out of their bikinis and topless sunbathing and into unflattering burkas and put to death if they sleep around?

    When all the French homosexuals are stoned or hung, how about then?

    Multicultural adherents are fools. Many cultures are clearly inferior and not to be tolerated. Would they allow a head hunting Pacific Islander group to roam their streets taking heads? Hey, they is what they are basically doing with the muslims. Sorry, answered my own question…they are lost. if not now, in a generation or two.

  2. How do people get this screwed up in the head?
    Is it some type of Pollyannaism?
    They can’t see the bad in anyone?
    This is how and why people get killed, there are really bad people
    In this world.

  3. I have watched and read the comments over the past day and I find some of the most ignorant comments about people you have no knowledge of what so ever. I’m an American who was born and raised most of my life in Europe. When I left Europe, they were exactly where we are now. They realize their mistake.

    Is anyone aware the that the NF (Nationalist Front) the anti-immigration party, or what we call in America “Trump Supporters”, have come in second in the last two French elections? They only lost because the far left (commies, socialist and greenies) and the center right party, who are normally political enemies banned together to defeat the NF, calling them as we are called, racist. The average Parisian, or Frenchman for that matter is against muslim immigration. They have seen enough long ago. But just as we are now, their political power is limited

    They do not see things much different then we do.

    I find the obnoxious comments by late night drunken commentors in particular about the French people sicking. They are our allies.

  4. The tipping point? Maybe and that’s a huge maybe, a dirty bomb or nuke in Paris.

    Even then, you’d still have REgressives telling us if it weren’t for us doing________________they wouldn’t be using violence against the west.

  5. You are a bit more plugged in then I am to what’s going on on the ground in France. But even with the filter of the left dominated media, I have seen them subjected to a virtual onslaught of moslim terrorist attacks in the past couple years.

    And in response, I see candlelight vigils and piles of teddy bears. Yes, I know that for the most part, the left dominated media wants to omit any sense of push back from the average Frenchman on the street, so that side of it is censored.

    Now I’m not saying at all that the French are cowards or surrender monkeys or any of that bullshit. Anyone with any knowledge of history knows that they are a bunch of ass kickers from way back to Roman times, but their leaders sure as hell have been relatively passive as of late.

    Us too and as long as we have Obama/Jarrett at the helm, that’s not going to change.

  6. Man-O-man did you hit the nail with that one. That is one evil motherfucker that needs to be killed. And killed very publicly so there is no doubt that he was made to pay the price for his evil.

    I’d have Mitch Rapp on his ass yesterday.

  7. Soros is the Commander in Chief of all terrorism in Europe, Asia, and the Americas. Thats a fact. He finances it and implements it in all of its various forms. From financial terrorism, cultural terrorism, and violent terrorism with bombs, hi jacking planes, missiles, and assault weapons etc….

    He is a mlitary/guerilla combatant and should have been assasinated a long time ago by the British, French, Germans and the Americans… anyone of them. But none ever did because they knew exactly what he was doing and AGREED and WANTED him to succeed. But Putin is a different story. Thats why Soros ran away from Crimea the moment Putin threatened to kill him.

    Hitlery and Bill, and that swollen piece of bloated dog shit Al Gore are all on his direct bribe payroll. Amongst many others. The case needs to be made to the American dopes, unedited and on live TV during the debates, WHO exactly Soros is, how he bribes the media, how he has paid of Hitlery. And all they need to be told as the punch line is ‘Just go google “George Soros open society terror Hillary” and start there. Read for yourselves who they are.’

    Our worst enemies are not the ones doing the killing. We know who and what they are. Its our own corrupt traitorous politicians, the media cohorts, and Soros. They are infiltrated undetected in our country, sabotageing us at every turn.

  8. Thank you for your perspective. Our friends in Britain are more vocal about immigration, so we know their position. It’s good to hear that French citizens aren’t so different. It seems that government is the primary cause of misery no matter where you go in the world.

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