16 Facts on Illegal Immigration That Should Shut the Mouth of Any Progressive – IOTW Report

16 Facts on Illegal Immigration That Should Shut the Mouth of Any Progressive

1. The border is extremely porous:

2. Illegal immigrants do bring crime:

3. Immigrants are killing Americans:

4. Illegal immigrants pose a danger on the roads:

5. Statistics back up Trump’s charge that illegals bring drugs:

6. Many immigrants entering the country illegally have a criminal record in the U.S.:

7. Many illegal alien convicts have been arrested multiple times: 

8. Deportation of illegal immigrants doesn’t keep them out of the country:

9. The Mexican border is being used by illegals from other countries:

10. Immigrants are filling U.S. jails:

11. Illegals do include “rapists,” as Trump charged:

12. Prominent figures agree with Trump on the dangers of illegal immigration:

13. Ordinary Americans agree with Trump as well:

14. Relatives of victims know that Trump is right:

15. Even wealthy Mexicans agree with Trump:

16. The Pew Research Center estimated that there are nearly 12 million illegal aliens in the nation — and the key word is “estimated.”

Go HERE to see the facts and links that back up each of these statements.

ht/ just the tip


14 Comments on 16 Facts on Illegal Immigration That Should Shut the Mouth of Any Progressive

  1. NO! There are 40 million illegal aliens in this country. How do I know? In 1985 when the democrat party was pushing for the first round of illegal alien amnesty, they claimed there were only 5 million illegal aliens at that time. When the law was passed, 20-fucking-million of them became citizens!

    So, 40 million? The democrat party is claiming today that there are only 10 million. Horseshit. Just multiply by a factor of 4 as you should have done in 1985 and you get 40 million for today’s figure.

    Eradicate the left.

  2. The illegal invaders are here to stay…how many do we have now 35-45 million? What can anyone do when half the country supports this treason? I have lived the better part of my life, children are grown and gone. I will defend me and mine. I know if I was still in my twenties I’d be raising hell with the government to get these invaders out of the USA. It is a global country now and it seems to suck from what I have seen.

  3. Nathan Carson. The problem is that the citizens of the US from 20 to 40 don’t have a clue what’s going on , and don’t much give a shit either. I’ve seen that in my travels.

    They are going to inherit a disaster.

    Can you imagine that 16 to 18 year olds don’t know what happened on 9/11/01?

  4. #17. You forgot the obvious. Every illegal alien is here ILLEGALLY! They all broke the laws of this country to come here. That is not a forgivable offense. They must be deported.

    We can get them to self deport by making it illegal (and threatening the arrest of real Americans) if they provide ANY services such as employment, education, voting, driver’s licenses, financial aid and so on. When they cannot rape our country, they will go home.

    For those who stay anyway and we catch them and for criminals in our justice system, we should send a bill to their mother country for a huge fee, so that they clamp down on their own people.

  5. Don’tchya see yet? WE are the new hateful extremists! WE are the enemy! If you’re a straight shooting, fact based, nation loving, law abiding citizen, YOU must be eradicated!

  6. You mean like commie disinformation ?

    There’s only 11 million, 11 million, 11 million, 11 million, 11 million, 11 million, 11 million, 11 million, 11 million, 11 million, 11 million, 11 million, 11 million, 11 million, 11 million, 11 million, 11 million, 11 million, 11 million, 11 million, 11 million, 11 million, 11 million, 11 million, 11 million, 11 million, 11 million, 11 million, 11 million, 11 million, 11 million, 11 million, 11 million, 11 million, 11 million, 11 million, 11 million, 11 million, and they got a right to come out of the shadows.

    Now you believe it, don’t you?

  7. STOP calling them IMMIGRANTS, Illegal or otherwise. Immigrants come here to work hard and become Americans. Mexicans are INVADERS, who bring their complete lack of culture and force it upon us.

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