2 week Covid restrictions likely to turn into 2 YEARS! – IOTW Report

2 week Covid restrictions likely to turn into 2 YEARS!

It was around this time when the government first said we needed 2 weeks of mask wearing and isolation.

ht/ mel

17 Comments on 2 week Covid restrictions likely to turn into 2 YEARS!

  1. I can’t figure out if any “blue states” are beginning to suspect they’ve been lied to, much less if they can distinguish party politics v economic devastation, harm to school aged children, etc.

    The elites safely ensconced behind barbed wire in to DC apparently don’t realize the false sense of security doesn’t pertain to obama’s 57 States.

    They’re gonna have to mass produced those inverse gulag kits and ship to the blue states if they think “next year” is acceptable.

  2. I just spoke with a local undertaker who belongs to an association that volunteers to go to places that are in dire need of their services.
    He served in NYC after 9/11 helping ID the bodies and parts thereof, and he also helped last year in NYC to take care of all the bodies of the supposed Covid deaths that were piling up in the reefer trailers.
    He told me that the death count was pretty much normal for that time of year, and the reason the bodies were piling up was because the cemetaries were CLOSED due to covid, and the crematoriums were only running half the time due to the WuHuFlu, where they normally would be working round the clock.
    Bill DeBlaisio lied to us.
    Who’d a thunk it?
    The pics they used to show all the funerals was from three years prior to the Covid days.

  3. According to Doctor Google 116,000+ Covid deaths since fraudster biden became president.
    Trump had 400,000 covid deaths on his watch in 1 year.
    Biden 116,000 covid deaths in just over 5 weeks!
    That’s a 29 % INCREASE under biden in 5 weeks.
    How’s that biden plan working?

    Democrats lie & cheat.
    Republicans are weak.

  4. Was at the bank yesterday, standing in a proper socially distanced line 🙄. There was a Karen scolding the teller because the bank didn’t clean the keypad with antiseptic wipes between each customer. She griped and complained and then proceeded to snatch the money from the teller with her bare hands. I just laughed and wondered aloud to the guy behind me in line if that woman had ANY idea that the money she just snatched up is far, far nastier and germ ridden than the keypad she so reluctantly touched. Hahahaha! She was rubbing hand sanitizer all over her hands after touching the keypad and then grabbed that money. What a dumbass.

  5. If private businesses want to they can require or not require the face diaper in Florida or Texas. Example: you have a doctor’s visit and need to get blood work done, all the labs in Florida, where you need to get it done, require face diapers and will have you removed if you don’t wear one. Hospitals are worse even in Florida. The communist face diaper escapade continues even in Florida and Texas.


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