June 2021 – Page 9 – IOTW Report

iOTWr Critters

Sunday, 27 June 2021, 8:00 Claudia 7

Images from: 1) Anymouse (Swans) These are racist muted swans. They chased the black swan away. It’s the best I can do with my little flip phone as you can’t [Read More]

Late Night Smoothiness

Sunday, 27 June 2021, 3:00 BFH 3

This singer reimagines Abba’s Dancing Queen as a ballad. Now that you’re mellow, let’s have Redd Kross’s version- And if you’re not familiar with Redd Kross, here they are deafening [Read More]

Canada is becoming a dictatorship

Saturday, 26 June 2021, 22:01 BFH 17

Politicrossing Last week, Bill C-10 was passed, which allowed and called for social media censorship fo speech that was not “mainstream” in other word, leftist and woke. This week, the [Read More]

Baseball Quiz

Saturday, 26 June 2021, 17:00 MJA 19

Who took more balls to the chin during their professional career?

1 7 8 9 10 11 64