42 Percent Believe Speaking Spanish at the Presidential Debate Was ‘Pandering’ – IOTW Report

42 Percent Believe Speaking Spanish at the Presidential Debate Was ‘Pandering’

Epoch Times:

Forty-two percent of American adults think speaking Spanish during a televised debate is “pandering” instead of “respectful,” according to a YouGov survey conducted prior to the Democratic primary debates.

During the first debate, three out of the 10 primary candidates answered one of their debate questions in Spanish; former Texas representative Beto O’Rourke, New Jersey Senator Cory Booker, and former Housing and Urban Development Secretary, Julian Castro.

The survey, conducted late in June, found that 31 percent of U.S. adults think that speaking Spanish during the debate is respectful and 27 percent did not know how to take it. read more

17 Comments on 42 Percent Believe Speaking Spanish at the Presidential Debate Was ‘Pandering’

  1. I just want to take this moment to thank the D’rats & their handlers at MSDNC(NBC) & George Soros for making these puppets, at this early stage, in handing President Donald J. Trump the 2020 election

    … keep it coming … got any more brilliance?

  2. Proof that the Left wants an illegal invasion of people who will not learn english, will not assimilate, and are coming here to pillage our institutions. America is all about the melting pot which means you can retain your appreciation of your heritage, however, you must become an American and give your allegiance to her.

    We don’t want you to bring your failed political ideas from third world countries and undermine us. America is great because of our ideals, so get with the program and become an American ONLY.

  3. The thing with Beto’s Spanish is that anyone who could hear could tell he was a gringo. I wouldn’t be surprised if real Spanish speakers had a hard time understanding Beto because his accent was so heavy.

  4. The flag shall not be dipped but English in America will be supressed to accommodate those who want more opportunity and a better life on their own terms. Fuck that Shit.

  5. My name is Pancho
    I work on a rancho
    I earn 40 pesos a day.

    I go to Miss Lucy
    She give me some _____
    And take all my pesos away!

    I speak Spanglish, too.

    izlamo delenda est …


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