Gun Control Supporters Made A Hoax Web Site, Exposed Their Own Racism – IOTW Report

Gun Control Supporters Made A Hoax Web Site, Exposed Their Own Racism

BA: I was planning on taking a vacation from this whole “gun control and racism” nonsense in the media lately, particularly after my article yesterday. Unfortunately, I guess this is going to be a theme that will never cease. What theme is that you ask? This blatant racism from the anti-gun opposition.

Yes I said it. And you know it.

They are pretty vocal too. And they are the same ones trying to paint our side as the racist, intolerant, “gun crazies”.

Today, some very clever and oh-so original, hackers created a fake website with a fake gun program. The website claimed that theNational Rifle Association and Smith and Wessson have teamed up to implement a “buy one, give one” program for at-risk individuals in the inner city. Or rather affectionally called the “Share the Safety” program.

Laughter ensues.

Let’s just say it as they actually meant it, shall we? The black, poor, too-dangerous-to-be-trusted-to-protect-themselves-with-firearms should never be the recipients of such a program. Right?

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10 Comments on Gun Control Supporters Made A Hoax Web Site, Exposed Their Own Racism

  1. I’ve always wondered, if the taxpayers have to pay for lawyers for bums because of the sixth amendment, why isn’t the government required to provide arms and ammo to those who “can’t afford them”????

  2. If the NRA and Smith & Wesson was smart, they’d backfire this into their favor and actually implement some type of program that helps poor people and minorities arm themselves against the thuggery in our society – giving the hackers total credit for the idea, of course.

  3. They can afford dope, whiskey, cigarettes, MD 20/20, Cadillacs, but not self-defense?

    Most gun control is based (justifies its origin) on “race.” The Wiemar gun control act of 1928 targetted Jews (not that that’s a race), for instance. And the Turk gun control legislation targetted Armenians, Russia – the Chechnyans, China – the Tibetans, America – the negroes, &c. Though, the totalitarians have no problem using ANY excuse, no matter how trivially related to the issue.

    Whassup widat?

    izlamo delenda est …

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