Biden And Harris in Georgia to Pitch Federal Takeover of Elections – IOTW Report

Biden And Harris in Georgia to Pitch Federal Takeover of Elections

Fox News

Biden is headed to Georgia today to call for changes to filibuster rules to pass legislation, overhauling U.S. elections.

Biden will be in Georgia with Vice President Kamala Harris to make his pitch to the American people. They will visit Ebenezer Baptist Church and place a wreath at the crypt of Martin Luther King Jr. and his wife, Coretta Scott King. More

The quick trip to Georgia has peach state democrats upset, with Stacey Abrams bowing out completely from today’s theatrics and state legislators questioning why Biden and Harris aren’t in Washington doing their job if these “voting rights bills” are so damn important. Here

8 Comments on Biden And Harris in Georgia to Pitch Federal Takeover of Elections

  1. Left Coast Dan
    JANUARY 11, 2022 AT 10:21 PM
    “Is it even Constitutional???”

    …let me see…

    (Looks in gallery. Guy holding envelope with naked pictures of him raping children is still there)

    …yup. 100% Constitutional.

    Just like Obamacare.

    You have no standing, so go away quicky.

  2. “All the animals come out at night – whores, skunk pussies, buggers, queens, fairies, dopers, junkies, sick, venal. Someday a real rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets.”

  3. Anonymous JANUARY 11, 2022 AT 11:29 PM
    “Whose dick is Kamala going to suck to get this done?”

    Madonna tried this to get Hillary Clinton elected.

    …only thing SHE proved is that it doesn’t work when the offer comes from an angry, bitter old rich whore.

    I’m guessing the results for Kamel would be similar.

    Although there is likely a higher proportion of men who would like to jam pretty much ANYTHING in her mouth just to stop the cackling…

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