A 20 Year High For Police Murdering – IOTW Report

A 20 Year High For Police Murdering

A report by The National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund finds a 67 percent increase in police officers being shot and killed.  Up through last week there were 60 police fatalities with a record high 2o intentional ambush murders.


18 Comments on A 20 Year High For Police Murdering

  1. Ignorance, lack of knowledge/education in our history, lack of belief in the Supreme Architect, and the re-writing of history have built this. Thank you pro/regressives (whatever your political affiliation). Not to mention the clearly implied approval from 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

  2. Law Enforcement Officers have sworn an oath to the Constitution. That is why killers (and others) more oft times than not, are captured with their 6th Amendment rights intact.

    It is however, their decision to exercise their 6th amendment right or not.

  3. The Ruled Of Engagement (Foreign and Domestic) need to change. Keep GITMO open for business, but for our domestic scum. The scum on a foreign battlefield….fuckem, let them die there.

  4. Doc, not being argumentative but then an article IV constitutional convention must take place. The rules of engagement on the battlefield are different than those domestically covered by the constitution for out citizens.

    I understand but to do otherwise, would also be a violation of the 4th and 5th Amendments in the Bill of Rights.

    There is a great line in the John Wayne movie, The Sons of Katie Elder, wherein the judge admonishes the deputy about a wanted poster that (paraphrasing), just because he’s wanted, doesn’t mean he’s guilty.

  5. Got it. Thank You. I’m seeing that. BBC and PBS totals on their graphs vary quite a bit from factecheck and some others.

    Don’t remember the addie but there was a web page stating police deaths are less under obutthead.

  6. In addition… In my tenure, I have seen overall traffic related deaths go down due to situational awareness being ingrained and other factors. I was at the memorial in 2002 with my partner’s widow and the myriad of NYPD escorts. That year LEO deaths were quite up there but not related to gunfire, gunfire has always been lower until now.

    If odumbass wants to take credit for fewer traffic fatalities, that isn’t under his influence. Gunfire… odumbass built this and is probably proud of this stat. After all, the police acted stupidly.

  7. Barry Hussein 0bama could have put a stop to most of this if he wanted to. He never stood up like a man, or like a president, to tell them to stop the murder of police officers. No, he still tells them they have a right to protest and continues to promote the violence.

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