A Little Girl’s Murder and the Refugee Road to Hell – IOTW Report

A Little Girl’s Murder and the Refugee Road to Hell

Sultan knish: St. Andrew’s-Wesley United Church is, in its own words, an “affirming church” with “diverse” members and a “progressive” faith. The Vancouver church is also very focused on bringing refugees to Canada.

Despite being in Canada, when Trump won the election, Pastor Dan Chambers compared it to 9/11. In another post, quoting Yoda, he claimed that Americans are “fueled” by “fear of Muslims”.

But it isn’t Americans, or Caucasians, the targets of Chambers’ rant who are protesting these days. It’s the Asian immigrants protesting the murder of one of the daughters of their community by one of Pastor Dan’s Syrian refugees.

“I Wept, I Rise,” Chambers posted after Trump’s victory. But he never had anything to weep about. Those who knew Marrisa Shen do. And they are rising.

The protests at the Vancouver Provincial Criminal Court at the first appearance of Ibrahim Ali, Marrisa’s alleged killer, had already turned ugly with a Muslim woman in a hijab throwing coffee at a protestor.

In 2015, St. Andrew’s-Wesley had helped raise the money to bring Ali and his family to Canada.

The 30K/ 30Day project on Bowen Island through St. Andrews- Wesley set out to raise $30,000 to bring Syrian refugee families to Vancouver. They succeeded beyond their wildest expectations. The money they raised paid for Ali’s brother and his family to come to Canada.

And an extra $15,000 was raised to bring Ibrahim Ali and another brother.

“It would mean they could have a family reunion along with family that is in Burnaby,” was the pitch.

At 1 in the morning, last summer, the body of 13-year-old Marrisa Shen was found in Burnaby’s Central Park. The last sight of her was on the security camera of a Tim Horton’s. After over a year of searching, as her photo in a sailor suit looked out from the TV news, posters and flyers, after hundreds of interviews and tips, the case broke wide open.

St. Andrews- Wesley’s gift to Canada was arrested for her murder. That extra $15,000 had paid for a little girl’s life.   more here

6 Comments on A Little Girl’s Murder and the Refugee Road to Hell

  1. To Progressives, soulless politicians, their Overlords and their followers, time is counting down. Tick Tock, Tick Tock.

    ‘Vengeance is Mine, and retribution, In due time their foot will slip; For the day of their calamity is near, And the impending things are hastening upon them.’ –Dueteronomy

  2. In no sense are they biblical Christians. They are communist infiltrators taking advantage of yet another Western system to further weaken the West. It’s war by other means. Period.

  3. Catholic Charities is doing the same here in the US.
    Here in Maine the weekly police reports are packed with muslim names.
    Next step is the leftists touting the good work of these churches (which ignore and violate God’s Word) after years of attacking them.

  4. I’m serching for the scripture where Jesus said, “Let the stranger, the refugee, come among you and live,”rather than an emphasis on reaching out to others where they are…”

    An apple will not grow when grafted on a pear tree, and vice versa…

    Crimes are crimes regadless of who commits thems.


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