After Biden removes Portland ‘Anarchy’ label, hundreds sabotage city – IOTW Report

After Biden removes Portland ‘Anarchy’ label, hundreds sabotage city

Taxpayer Association of Oregon

Last week President Biden removed the ‘Anarchist’ designation for Portland,m Seattle and New York that was placed by President Trump.

Days later, on Feb 27th, hundreds people stormed Portland’s downtown Pearl District breaking windows, blocking traffic, screaming at people in their homes, shining flashes into people’s windows, and interfering with police.


22 Comments on After Biden removes Portland ‘Anarchy’ label, hundreds sabotage city

  1. You can call it anything you want, but you still have to live with the reality of what it is.

    Eventually, I would think people would get tired of it and do something about it on their own without the help of the government and police if they refuse to put an end to the situation.

  2. Biden didnt do anything. Susan Rice is running our government.

    That said, there is a plan: vacate the state of GOP voters, then run the state like a Soviet enclave.

  3. Last summer, antifa/BLM went to Springfield OR to stage a “protest”. The locals met them bearing arms. Antifa/BLM left. Problem solved. Of course, the media painted Springfield as a racist town, but the locals don’t care.

  4. I worked at the Lloyd Center Meier & Frank dept. store in 1971-72 as a Union janitor being paid $2.71 an hr. I’m not sure if I would feel safe working there now and I would ride my bike thru the streets of NW Portland from where I lived out past the St. Johns bridge to work at Lloyd Center at night, I wouldn’t do that anymore either. Antifa needs to be hunted down like rabid dogs and destroyed.


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