After Sixty Days Biden Is Drifting Into Surrealism – IOTW Report

After Sixty Days Biden Is Drifting Into Surrealism

NY Sun:

After 60 days of the new administration, American government has descended into surrealism. The secretary of homeland security, Alejandro Mayorkas, blandly assured the Sunday television news programs that “the border is closed,” and that unauthorized and inappropriate entry-seekers are normally turned away. This is clearly a monstrous falsehood and the docile Democratic-boot-licking press knows it to be false.

This ludicrous and tragic charade on the southern border is half of the current administration’s vast and pointless game of pretense, in which it denies the existence of one immense crisis, while grimly and tediously proclaiming the iron duration of another crisis that has in fact, largely passed.

No screening process at all is being applied to large numbers of arriving, so-called migrants, and unskilled, penurious, largely illiterate — they are simply being admitted to the country because that is supposedly the humane thing to do with them.

An uncertain number are gang members and other undesirables, and thousands are children, 80% of whom are believed to have been sexually violated en route. The hardened criminal organizations in Mexico that conduct these progresses to and through the United States border profit from their activities to the tune of millions of dollars a day.

The government of the United States is fully complicit in the criminal violence of these Mexican gangs, and yet its spokespeople, day after day, unctuously repeat pious lies about this unfolding outrage to the press corps that conducted the campaign for the almost comatose candidate who is now the president.

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17 Comments on After Sixty Days Biden Is Drifting Into Surrealism

  1. And Joe proclaims that he has the majority of the American people from both political parties behind him on the issue.
    If I’d heard that some time ago I would have laughed, not now.

  2. “When they turn the pages of history
    When these days have passed long ago
    Will they read of us with sadness
    For the seeds that we let grow?

    We turned our gaze
    From the castles in the distance

    Eyes cast down
    On the path of least resistance

    Cities full of hatred
    Fear and lies

    Withered hearts
    And cruel, tormented eyes

    Scheming demons
    Dressed in kingly guise

    Beating down the multitude
    And scoffing at the wise

    The hypocrites are slandering
    The sacred halls of truth
    Ancient nobles showering
    Their bitterness on youth

    Can’t we find
    The minds that made us strong?
    Oh, can’t we learn
    To feel what’s right and what’s wrong? What’s wrong”

  3. It’s time to bring back fall-out shelters – and lock the entire fraudulent Biden administration inside.
    Just a little twist on the old Rod Serling Twilight Zone episodes. He seemed to have a fascination with fall-out shelters.

  4. The idiots who supposedly voted for this dude are that much into him. It was about getting rid of Trump, whatever it takes. Once they removed out POTUS, they lost interest in the news. For them, the anti-Trump insanity was a bloodsport.

    The weak rallies, the so-called REAL election results, the current leftist MSM ratings tell us so.

    Abd now, because ORANGE MAN BAD bullshit, we’re stuck in a fucking mess.

    Enjoy your 401K and portfolio balances, morons.

  5. That was a great article/commentary. Even the state run media can’t keep up this surreal charade. HOWEVER, sadly to say, the useful idiots will determine what direction we head next. If they wake up and man up, we’ll survive. If they pussify and defy the facts, we’re screwed.

  6. @Fritz You are spot on. The lefties are know have pretty much disengaged with the news now that Trump is gone. They are happily getting vaxxed and their biggest upset are the people who occasionally turn up in the newsfeed questioning a vac passport. They of course are perfectly fine with having one, “ so we can get back to normal again.”

  7. If you haven’t figured out that the Demonrats are paid by the cartels yet, you are not paying attention.

    This goes all the way up to the senile pedophile they call their president…

    The commies whore will never get within a 100 miles of the border, that skank has been on the cartels payroll for decades.


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