Ahhh Sweet Memories… – IOTW Report

22 Comments on Ahhh Sweet Memories…

  1. Brad, that is the only way to savor my tequila.
    I do shots but my BAC spikes to quickly.
    Same with sipping over ice & lime.
    You already know I am the iotw tequila expert.

    BTW, didn’t Bill Clinton actually marry the lovebirds?
    You can’t make this shit up!

  2. Brad – you don’t put good tequila in a margarita! You use cheap tequila. The reason for margaritas – particularly frozen ones – is hot summer afternoons when you want something cold and refreshing and won’t knock you on your ass if you drink several.

    In the evening when it cools off, that’s when you bring out the good stuff and the sipping glasses. Yum!

  3. Uncle Al, I drink water when I’m thirsty, I drink non deluded alcholol when I’m trying to relax. Say, don’t you live in Florida too? Pick me up at the airport I’m on my way. Lol.

  4. Bad_Brad, the beginning of the video had me in tears. Well, the rest of it too, but especially: “Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American people.”

    Oh, please merciful God, let it be so.

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