Ahhhhh… Live TV – IOTW Report

Ahhhhh… Live TV

ht/ irony curtain

24 Comments on Ahhhhh… Live TV

  1. This is so funny. It is a true portrait of a loving family and how unintentionally funny it can be. I laughed until tears came to my eyes.

    The father’s expression throughout the whole time was absolutely hysterical. Trying to remain calm by desperately trying not to either break down in uncontrollable laughter or dive below his desk in embarrassment.

    And mom comes diving in for the keids, trying and failing to stay low as to be out of sight, I could hardly stay in my chair.

    So many funny family stereotypes right there in 42 seconds.

  2. what a big dummy
    conducts an interview over the interwebz, leaves the bedroom door WIDE OPEN, with toddlers running amok, and then wants me to think his opinion is worth listening to

  3. I worked a lot from home back when my kids were babies so I can relate…. nah, who am I kidding, I was usually on the golf course with my cell phone.

  4. I showed this to Mrs. Curtain and we watched it twice in a row. She was laughing so hard I thought she was gonna need oxygen. Haven’t seen her laugh that hard since she found “Old People Falling Off Boats” on YouTube.

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  1. More Kids Running Amok Live Television – IOTW Report

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