Al Gore Has Nervous Breakdown Over Paris Treaty – IOTW Report

Al Gore Has Nervous Breakdown Over Paris Treaty

FederalistPapers: Al Gore, the former Vice President who tried to steal an election, screamed a lot, disappeared for a while, then resurfaced as a bearded, heavyset environmental hysteric, is back.

In response to President Donald Trump announcing America is ditching the Paris Climate Agreement, Gore wails that Trump has put the whole planet in danger. Article has video

 h/t Snowball the Sourpuss

21 Comments on Al Gore Has Nervous Breakdown Over Paris Treaty

  1. Remember in The Shining when Jack Nicholson sees in the mirror that he is really hugging a corpse instead of a beautiful naked woman? I keep thinking the left will have one of those moments with Al Gore. But they keep making out with him even after they see the truth in the mirror.

  2. Al’s only pissed because his whole carbon credit fraud is in danger of collapsing. As more and more scientists begin to question man-made global warming sooner or later companies (like Air Canada for example) will stop dealing in carbon credits and Al stops getting paid. As it is he’s made anywhere from 100 to 150 million dollars off this scam. Yeah, I’d be whining to.

  3. I can see him now wandering through his giantic air conditioned mansion gnoshing on a greasy drumstick out of the bucket of KFC you know he carries around the house still blabbering about how Bush stole the election from him and pissed at the American public because we can all use the internet he created to expose the climate scam that made him fat and rich.

    He should sit down and STFU

  4. Get a grip, Al. The planet is exactly where it was before the pull-out from the “treaty’. Even when enacted, it will not save the planet unless that salvation requires less than 1/10 degree of “cooling” in 100 years. Talk about your butterfly effect. More like a shell game.

  5. Hard to take seriously one who rails against the internal combustion engine, air conditioning, and bovine flatulence. all while travelling in an artificially cooled limo, with the window cracked.

  6. The more unhinged and hyperbolic the statements of the insane Left and wailing of the ignorant, scientifically illiterate eco-nuts, the more I know Trump did the right thing.

  7. Even Tipper got tired of his retarded crusade and left. The dog ran off. If he had kids, they changed their names and walk around in fake beards and sunglasses.

    Manbearpig is all he has left.

  8. He’s had a a big loss…
    No longer the King of Globull Warming, No longer in demand as a speaker, talk show guest,
    No worshiping crowds of ninnies, no stampedes to buy his books or see his movies, his only friends will be professional. just him and his money, what a Ducking Fummy.

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