Here's a link to a video on WTVY's Facebook page of Amos Newsome hitting reporter Ken Curtis
— Dothan Eagle (@dothaneagle) October 6, 2015
[DailyCaller] According to the Dothan Eagle, WTVY reporter Ken Curtis confronted District 2 commissioner Amos Newsome over the allegations after a city council meeting and asked him if he would consider resigning. Watch here.
h/t MarkMac
The old guy is the reporter. The commisioner who assaulted him is the NIGRA. (Hat tip to G. Wallace.)
DANG!…He musta learned “the claw” from watchin’ Baron Von Raschke….
Ahh the true “privilege” of whiteyness.
People are rioting and looting because the reporter was attacked by um wait, never mind…
Cool clock, Amos! Come see me at the White House. We need more in-your-face Democrats like you!
Typical classy Demorrhoid.
This will sound abstract to some.
Dems typically like to think and behave more collectively ( that’s why you want to toss cookies when you listen to things like NPR).
The Egyptians (born of Ham, like the attacker in the vid ) , we’re collectivist as well.
Quickly, a synopsis of Genesis 46:34 tells us that Egyptians did not like shepards.
Bottom line: those people who are trying to create this democracy simply will lash out to the opposers.
Nothin’ new under the sun.
Ken Curtis? Who dares to slap Festus? The world is upside down.
Imagine if the pol was white and the reporter was a knee grow.
National news for a week.
80 years old he means to show that cracka that he was patiently awarded that post and nobody is going to question his integrity!
Never ax a nigra a ambarassin question. Specially one with a suit and tie. He most likely be a fuckin gangsta.
Nigra politician I mean.
How can anyone pretend that whites are the protected class?
How is this not a racial hate crime ?!?
Video won’t play.
“Alabammy Democrat” my ass. That bitch-slappin’ muthafucka is Robert Mugabe, racist communist dictator from Rhodesia.