Amish Family Get Horse and Buggy Stolen – IOTW Report

Amish Family Get Horse and Buggy Stolen

NBC News

A woman stole a family’s horse and Amish buggy while they were shopping in a Michigan Walmart, police said.

The family discovered the animal and buggy were missing after they finished their shopping at the Sturgis store Saturday, Sturgis police said in a release on Facebook. More

14 Comments on Amish Family Get Horse and Buggy Stolen

  1. I recall a clip from many years ago of an Amish Buggy taking a corner at full gallup. The buggy drifted around, fish-tailed a few times and carried on down the road.

    Anyone else remember that. Post a link if it’s worthy.

  2. Maybe it was the horse that he was after.

    Police spokesperson: After capturing the thief, we found out he was a US buyer for a French restaurant consortium, Le Bouger. He had failed to locate any horsemeat for the last few months and was desperate to find some. The French put horse on their menus, called Viande De Chevalier, according to the thief. But we caught him in time, saved the horse, and reunited him with his family. A happy ending for all but the horse thief.


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