An armed gang of illegals from Venezuela has reportedly taken full control of an apartment complex and parts of Aurora, CO – IOTW Report

An armed gang of illegals from Venezuela has reportedly taken full control of an apartment complex and parts of Aurora, CO

New footage by @vicentearenastv reveals an armed gang at a complex in Aurora, Colorado.

21 Comments on An armed gang of illegals from Venezuela has reportedly taken full control of an apartment complex and parts of Aurora, CO

  1. Aurora got tired of paying and tried to evict them.
    Just wait until all the sanctuary cities do the same.
    No free housing, no free food, no free money, might be a SHTF moment.

  2. Colorado is a shit box of wealthy ignorant liberals.
    Had to travel many parts of Colorado back in the early 1990’s.
    You could not get them past this idea of having a community douche bag.
    They get what they voted for.

  3. Establish your perimeter.

    Co-ordinate with local lockups giving necessary space to hold whatever number is thought to be on the ground (inside your perimeter).

    Let no-one out until you’ve established they’re legal without warrants.

    Announce any with weapons will be shot on sight giving those who wish to surrender a way out.

    Go back in and take the area back building by building with whatever force is required.

    I’m sure there might be command and troops capable after you eliminate the DEI in the ranks.

    Speaking only as a civilian without the background to coordinate such an operation and knowing full well the state authorities would not support this. Could the Feds do it legally???

    Would the “Pay-for-view” pay for the operation?

  4. “An armed gang of illegal immigrants from Venezuela has reportedly taken full Aurora Colorado”

    FIFY. There’s multiple stories and video’s on Instagram proclaiming these liitle hood rats have literally taken control of about 1/3 of that town. The cops won’t go there. The Libtard Gov won’t call in the National Guard. Residents are posting they’re fleeing their homes for their safety.

  5. I have several friends who live in Aurora. Praying that they are at least on the other side of town. Scary. And I wouldn’t expect the police to help out much, they are likely constrained by politics.


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