Another Dindu Nafeen strikes in NJ – IOTW Report

Another Dindu Nafeen strikes in NJ

New Jersey: muslim who threw EXPLOSIVES at synagogue and shouted ‘aLLAH aKBAR’ gets probation. 


[…]  musheisen is a college graduate and “anything but a racist.

“He was a young person who did a stupid thing, who has learned from his mistakes,” Breite said.

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25 Comments on Another Dindu Nafeen strikes in NJ

  1. the stupid thing to do is let his lawyer continue to be a lawyer–second thing is to let this graduate walk free. you know he is laughing his azzzz off at us all,

  2. Awww, did the Dindu practice that phony look of contrition in front of a mirror? His lawyer is full of baloney. We will be reading about this Dindu Nafeen again some day.

  3. His lawyer looks like a guy that can’t wait for another opportunity to assist and defend any muzzie, regardless of the charges or evidence. I might be wrong, but I doubt it.

  4. Well, Gojira…flip that and picture some NON-muslims throwing lit-cherrybombs at a Muslim Temple with the muzzies inside on their prayer rugs…watch Barky put the DOJ and FBI on shoot to kill status…

  5. Wiz, I don’t think I need to tell them anything. They weren’t killed by noisemakers. They were killed by altered noisemakers contained in a bomb casing, aka IED. This just flat out isn’t that. Look, folks, I’m a fan of Geller and agree with many if not most of the posts here but the headline is flat out misleading. I expected to hear about bodies being pulled from the rubble that once was a synagogue. Instead it’s some muslim punk throwing firecrackers while maybe/maybe not saying the usual last rites speech for infidels. Overwrought? Yep. My opinion. YMMV Reasonable people can disagree about such things. “Tell it to the Boston victims?” Indeed. I believe you may be a bit overwrought as well.

  6. * Breite represented David Baylor, who was convicted in 2008 of killing four people execution style during a robbery at an after-hours Paterson gambling club.

    * A 2010 trial saw Breite tell a jury that only a crazy person would hack his estranged wife 15 times with an ax. His client, Fernando Chireno, was found guilty of the Passaic murder.

    * In 2011, Breite represented Joseph Pallipurath, who traveled from Sacramento, Calif., to the St. Thomas Syrian Orthodox Knanaya Church in Clifton, where he shot and killed his estranged wife and a bystander and critically wounded a third person.

    Wasn’t it first time offenders who pulled off 9-11?

  7. Gojira, Black powder is an explosive, fireworks are full of it and designed in such a way as to create the maximum use of that black powder.
    I think the point of the story was that if a young Jewish man had done it to a mosque, the MSM would start a fire to boil the rope.

  8. Wiz, keep pounding that nail. Wrong nail, but keep pounding as it appears you have a talent. I have an excellent grasp of my native tongue and, of course, completely comprehend the article – after the false start from the headline. I, of course, also understand what black powder can do. However, “maximum use” (I think you mean “maximum effect”), in this case produces a mere pop. It.was.not.a.bomb as the “explosive”, clickbait headline implied. You apparently fail to grasp that my point has nothing to do with the article per se but how it was hyperbolically presented regardless of who may do what to whom in hypothetical reversed circumstances. Don’t care. Not my point. We’re through here.

  9. i have never been so glad to live out on the wild undiscovered hinterlands of nowhere – as opposed to the MIDDLE of nowhere – as i am now… will take them a long time to get here, and by that time, i’ll either be dead or close enough…..

    i pray to God to help my country……but i’m afraid He has already passed judgement upon us….and we’re not going to escape His judgement, at this point….we have denied Him so long, why would He pay attention to our prayers, at this point?

    oh, yes, but it was OUR GOVERNMENT that told us to forsake God, so we were only obeying the law of the land…..

    look at your kids……LOOK AT THEM……it doesn’t matter if they are black or white or brown………..

    they are all lost in a sea of ignorance…the few who have a moral anchor – mostly home-schooled – are considered “freaks,” and ….oh, how do they describe it?????….oh yes…. “not socialized”…as in, not properly indoctrinated…..not brought up to properly understand the HOLY IMPORTANCE of the role of the STATE in your life…..

    people have more personal freedom in the old USSR than we have here the “THE LAND OF THE FREE,” these days…….

    and, of course, they actually have a president who believes he should look after his OWN COUNTRY’S interests FIRST….instead of selling off our most precious assets – like uranium – in order to fill up democrat bank accounts…

    do i sound angry?…….

    sorry about that…..i’ll gladly crochet you a nice “safe space” afghan – oh my bad – a nice lap blanket in your choice of colors……just 59.95, plus shipping and handling…….

    might take a while to get it done, since it’s summer, and we’re growing crops right now…..but put in your request, and it will be processed in which it was received……

    sound familiar?

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