Antifa rioters try to physically block the Trump cars from driving in downtown Portland. They get maced instead of run over.
18 Comments on Antifa Tries To Stop Trump Supporters, Get Maced
not enough ̶c̶o̶w̶b̶e̶l̶l̶ mace
Mace is good. And lots of it!
…I do not have enough “HA HA”s on my keyboard to express how funny this is, so run this BASIC program at your leisure;
10 PRINT “HA HA “;
20 GOTO 10
…let it run all night, still won’t be enough…
Bless their hearts, they are trying to stop a huge truck. Exhaust notes alone probably turned half of them into eunuchs.
The Mace is cool and all but riding around in an elevated position thru hostile morons could get you shot. The guys in the backs of the trucks should have been wearing shirts with bullseyes on them. Fing stupid people
This is a great idea!….One ton trucks with mace nozzles all over at 100 PSI (negative air flow in the cab) just clears out the streets that the cops won’t or aren’t allowed to….it’s like spraying for mosquitos….The snow plows clear out the malingerers….
If you have to drive through neighborhoods that are prone to riots and attacks on vehicles you should at least consider getting one of these:
It’s just common sense defense and could save your vehicle and your life.
Instead of mace they should be driving Honey Wagons. The stuff out of hog confinement buildings would be excellent, and it takes days to get the smell out of your skin.
It would likely be followed by a vomit fest.
Do shitty things – Win shitty prizes.
“Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face” — Mike Tyson.
If you want to spray something out of a truck at AntifaBLM you should be spraying 556 rounds at this juncture.
Google: Farmer sprays manure on trespassing protestors – He even got actress an entitled actress.
No! Mainstream Democrats try To Stop Trump Supporters, Get Maced
Just like Mainstream Democrat assassinated a Trump supporter in Portland last night.
These are not outliers, they are Mainstream Democrats. Democrat elected officials and the Minisrty of Truth offer up apologetic for them on a daily basis. They are Mainstream Democrats. According to the Ministry of Truth extremist right wing agitators clashed with protesters last night. I was up last night when this went down and that was the headline. So what the Ministry of Truth is saying is that just regular Democrat folk Who were exercising their right to peaceably assemble as guaranteed under the Constitution. OK, fine. They know them intimately, they would know. I will take them at their word and say that instead of recognizing these individuals as ANTIFA, they are just normal Democrat folk. I can appreciate their point.
So now that I have been told by the Ministry of Truth, who get their copy from the DNC, that these are just mainstream everyday Democrat folk, and I have accepted that… I see mainstream Democrat folk cheering when told a Trump supporter was assassinated. I see mainstream Democrat folk punting a totally innocent man in the head a week earlier, I see mainstream Democrat folk burning down cities and the litany could go on for days what Mainstream Democrats have been doing.
Remember, irrespective of what you might think, these are not outliers committing these acts. They are perfectly normal acts as explained by Democrat politicians and their propaganda wing, the Ministry of Truth AKA The Mainstream media.
These are just normal everyday Democrats engaging in “mostly peaceful protests, which is a euphemism used by the Democrat politicians and the Ministry of Truth for Democrat versions of peaceably assemble.
Just ordinary Democrats doing nothing out of character for them.
Playing on the loud speaker mounted on the vehicle was Quicksilver Messenger Service’s song, “Fresh Air”.
not enough ̶c̶o̶w̶b̶e̶l̶l̶ mace
Mace is good. And lots of it!
…I do not have enough “HA HA”s on my keyboard to express how funny this is, so run this BASIC program at your leisure;
10 PRINT “HA HA “;
20 GOTO 10
…let it run all night, still won’t be enough…
Bless their hearts, they are trying to stop a huge truck. Exhaust notes alone probably turned half of them into eunuchs.
The Mace is cool and all but riding around in an elevated position thru hostile morons could get you shot. The guys in the backs of the trucks should have been wearing shirts with bullseyes on them. Fing stupid people
This is a great idea!….One ton trucks with mace nozzles all over at 100 PSI (negative air flow in the cab) just clears out the streets that the cops won’t or aren’t allowed to….it’s like spraying for mosquitos….The snow plows clear out the malingerers….
If you have to drive through neighborhoods that are prone to riots and attacks on vehicles you should at least consider getting one of these:
It’s just common sense defense and could save your vehicle and your life.
Instead of mace they should be driving Honey Wagons. The stuff out of hog confinement buildings would be excellent, and it takes days to get the smell out of your skin.
It would likely be followed by a vomit fest.
Do shitty things – Win shitty prizes.
“Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face” — Mike Tyson.
If you want to spray something out of a truck at AntifaBLM you should be spraying 556 rounds at this juncture.
Google: Farmer sprays manure on trespassing protestors – He even got actress an entitled actress.
No! Mainstream Democrats try To Stop Trump Supporters, Get Maced
Just like Mainstream Democrat assassinated a Trump supporter in Portland last night.
These are not outliers, they are Mainstream Democrats. Democrat elected officials and the Minisrty of Truth offer up apologetic for them on a daily basis. They are Mainstream Democrats. According to the Ministry of Truth extremist right wing agitators clashed with protesters last night. I was up last night when this went down and that was the headline. So what the Ministry of Truth is saying is that just regular Democrat folk Who were exercising their right to peaceably assemble as guaranteed under the Constitution. OK, fine. They know them intimately, they would know. I will take them at their word and say that instead of recognizing these individuals as ANTIFA, they are just normal Democrat folk. I can appreciate their point.
So now that I have been told by the Ministry of Truth, who get their copy from the DNC, that these are just mainstream everyday Democrat folk, and I have accepted that… I see mainstream Democrat folk cheering when told a Trump supporter was assassinated. I see mainstream Democrat folk punting a totally innocent man in the head a week earlier, I see mainstream Democrat folk burning down cities and the litany could go on for days what Mainstream Democrats have been doing.
Another run of the mill mainstream Democrat shoots at pro Trump parade
Remember, irrespective of what you might think, these are not outliers committing these acts. They are perfectly normal acts as explained by Democrat politicians and their propaganda wing, the Ministry of Truth AKA The Mainstream media.
These are just normal everyday Democrats engaging in “mostly peaceful protests, which is a euphemism used by the Democrat politicians and the Ministry of Truth for Democrat versions of peaceably assemble.
Just ordinary Democrats doing nothing out of character for them.
Playing on the loud speaker mounted on the vehicle was Quicksilver Messenger Service’s song, “Fresh Air”.
Have another hit….of sweet air!
LATimes reporting on shooting in Woodland Hills
One of the FEW times I ever cheered for an ObamaMotorWerks truck! 😉
More on the Woodland Hills shooting.