Arizona: Scottsdale school board president busted with dossier of parents, photos of their children – IOTW Report

Arizona: Scottsdale school board president busted with dossier of parents, photos of their children

Jann-Michael Greenburg, the president of the Scottsdale Unified School District, has been caught with a dossier of parents protesting over critical race theory. The dossier had info and photos of 47 parents and, shockingly, their children.

Post Millennial: Jann-Michael Greenburg, the president of the Scottsdale Unified School District, has been caught with a dossier of parents protesting over critical race theory. The dossier had info and photos of 47 parents and, shockingly, their children.

The files in question were contained on a Google Drive to which Greenburg has access, although he claims he has nothing to do with the matter.  AZ Free News was first to report.

On Wednesday night, the school board sent out a frantic email blast trying to assuage parents who are now calling for Greenburg’s resignation. more here

13 Comments on Arizona: Scottsdale school board president busted with dossier of parents, photos of their children

  1. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

    Not to belittle the influence of the local school board, but…it’s the school board FFS! Where do you come off feeling empowered to gather personal data on your critics?!

    My guess is that you didn’t start your quest to be a school board member as a full throated totalitarian – unless you are a Soros-esque plant – but rather the power that you came to realize became an intoxicating drug. You need to be bitch-slapped and put back in your place.

  2. I’m pretty sure he’s the one who still lives with his parents and says it’s his Dad who did this, not him. Like he didn’t know, just like I guess he didn’t know his Dad stalked and harassed them wearing his motorcycle helmet.
    It sounds like the crazy apple didn’t fall far from the tree, the bigger question is how did someone like this get elected to the school board?

  3. If the Dems can vindictive and evil, then apparently this is the only behavior they understand.
    Dox every member of the school board, publish their names, addresses and social security numbers as they have.
    See how they like it.

  4. If you think this is the only school board or whatever local government agency that has a dossier on people who oppose them, I have beach front property in Kansas I’d like to sell you.

  5. When I was 22 or so some dumb ass Cafe Racer damn near wrecked his ass cutting me off. I laid on the horn and gave him the one finger solute. Well the dumb ass let me pass him, followed me until I pulled into my destination and parked his rice rocket in front of me. I sat in my truck as he yelled terrible things my way. Still wearing the full face helmet. Apparently he was under the opinion that helmet offered him protection. I finally climbed out and you could feel the panic. But he was committed. I grabbed the jaw part of that helmet and launched him off his bike. Grabbed it several more time throwing him around. Finally I grabbed that convenient handle pulled him one direction and swept his feet. I ended up leaning on the tough guy with a knee and asked him if he wanted to continue discussing this matter. No reply. I let him up and told him “GIT”. and he did.
    Moral of the story, Dear Scottsdale residents, a woman could kick this guys ass. Do it.

  6. I think I just read a headline about this guy at GP which said he’s being recalled.

    He was keeping the data and labeling it and the subjects in wildly denigrating ways. He was at war against parents who objected to SSD’s covid “mandates”, cirriculum on sex ed, CRT, etc, etc, etc.

    In any event, he had no business amassing personal data like that.

  7. True, efemdy. And all of those dossiers were, or are, headed to the FBI. The National School Boatd Association and the Biden DOJ are not f—king around when they lanel upstart parents “domestic terrorists”. Some of those parents are going to have their lives ruined by these evil people.

    Getting control of our children is one of the top goals of the Marxists, and they will kill or ruin whoever they must to do it. Especially when they are so close to their hoal.


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