Assad criticizes Americans’ penchant for presidential candidates with little foreign policy experience – IOTW Report

Assad criticizes Americans’ penchant for presidential candidates with little foreign policy experience

FOX: Bashar Assad, the embattled president of Syria, criticized the U.S. presidential elections for promoting candidates in both parties that he said fall short on foreign policy experience.

Despite his country’s years-long civil war that resulted in at least 250,000 deaths, the Damascus strongman warned the U.S. electorate on the consequences of choosing a leader with little experience on the world’s stage.

“Who had this experience before? Obama? Or George Bush? Or (Bill) Clinton before? None of them had any experience,” he told NBC News in an interview that aired Thursday. “This is the problem with the United States.”

Assad made the critique as the Obama administration takes what might be its final offer to Moscow to enhance intelligence and military cooperation against ISIS and other extremist groups if Syria’s Russia-backed Assad upholds a cease-fire with U.S.-supported rebels.   more here 

10 Comments on Assad criticizes Americans’ penchant for presidential candidates with little foreign policy experience

  1. What was this little degenerate, thugs experience with foreign policy before he grabbed control of the 3rd world crap hole he now terrorizes after the death of his crazy, evil, despotic father?

  2. Bastard Asswipe, hopefully your pal B. Hussein Obama, will be forgotten, living infamy with you, soon. You will be put down in history with your comrades, Hitler, Stalin, Amin, Bin Laden, and , etc.

  3. Where I worked, I used to have a poster hanging behind my desk, showing a huge orangutan, with my favorite saying in it, “If I wanted your opinion, I would have beat it out of you!”

    That applies to ASSad!

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