At the Moment The World’s Worst Person – Tikeemah J Lassiter – IOTW Report

At the Moment The World’s Worst Person – Tikeemah J Lassiter

I hate this woman. I hate her. Yes, hate is a strong word. And I hate her.

I’m not linking the story because the story has video of this incident. No one needs to see it.

This horrible person, who I wish horrible things to happen to in the near future, tosses a cat off a 3rd floor balcony.

Miraculously, the cat survived.

She’s been charged with animal cruelty, and after being cleared by a veterinarian will be placed in a new home.


Tikeemah J Lassiter

38 Comments on At the Moment The World’s Worst Person – Tikeemah J Lassiter

  1. “She’s been charged with animal cruelty, and after being cleared by a veterinarian will be placed in a new home.”

    She should go to jail instead.

    What’s going to happen to the cat?

  2. I saw just a split second of the video online and I hate her too BFH. I can’t get the image out of my head.

    Shoot her out of a Punkin Chuckin air cannon or fling her with a trebuchet. What a low life b*tch.

  3. “Tikee Gee” member of the Crips, previous charge of assault on transit officer, various posts on social media displaying gang signs….
    More likely than not she’s committed numerous crimes and never been held to account. That’s the prob w/these this sector of our society.
    A high number of serial killers have a history of animal cruelty. I predict this monster will make the news again.

  4. People do this to animals to feel superior to them. “Look what I can do”
    People that harm animals are dangerous people usually have no feelings of right and wrong.

  5. You folks would lose your minds living in Atlanta or Birmingham. The black community and animal cruelty is never ending. I’m sure you all remember a certain Atlanta Falcons Michael Vick & his dog “issues.” No one here was really surprised by this event, despite some saying they were in the media. Only white people who’ve never lived in non segregated areas get it, I guess. It’s cultural, I guess. ☹

    Btw, Vick was a pervert who tried to sleep w/ white middle school girls at the Jr High across the street from the Falcon practice field. My 14 yr old daughter was one of them.

  6. She is getting the Trayvon makeover I see–the new article repeatedly refers to her as a “teen” when she is 19, her most recent pix show that she looks like a trannie flashing the “666” illuminati sign–that pic of her with long hair and sweet smile doesn’t even look like the same person.

  7. This woman is a budding psychopath who needs serious intervention now else in a few years she’ll be making the news again only it won’t be a cat that suffered her wrath. This is only a black issue in that she’ll be given every possible break she can get to minimize or eliminate any consequences from this reprehensible action and society will pay for this down the road and yet somehow the left that created this problem will still blame Trump.

  8. This piece of shit should rot in hell along with her family or friends that she was visiting. I would love to video of have someone video me throwing her black ass of of the 3rd. floor balcony. she needs to be put out of her misery.

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