At This Moment A Painting of Mike Brown as Jesus is Hanging in Our Nation’s Capitol – IOTW Report

At This Moment A Painting of Mike Brown as Jesus is Hanging in Our Nation’s Capitol

The cops are pigs. Lovely.

Who were the pig cops in Ferguson?

And who ever held up a peace sign at the Ferguson protests, or any BLM protest?

Cardinal Ritter College Prep High School Senior David Pulphus won first place in this year's congressional art contest with his painting called "Untitled #1." Cardinal Ritter College Prep High School is located in the district represented by Congressman Lacy Clay (D-Mo.)
Cardinal Ritter College Prep High School Senior David Pulphus won first place in this year’s congressional art contest with his painting called “Untitled #1.” Cardinal Ritter College Prep High School is located in the district represented by Congressman Lacy Clay (D-Mo.)




26 Comments on At This Moment A Painting of Mike Brown as Jesus is Hanging in Our Nation’s Capitol

  1. Mike Brown is falsely portrayed as a muscular man.

    Everyone knows, and Mike would admit it to if he were alive today had he followed simple instructions, that he was one fat roly-poly nasty bastard.

  2. Unfuckingbelievable!!! When the shit hits the fan there will be one helluva mess! Mr. Trump won the election but Cloward-Piven, George Soros, Bill Ayers, that bastard from Rules for Radicals, all those assholes, they are not going away. Get ready everybody.

  3. “Cardinal Ritter College Prep High School Senior … “

    WTF??? … you godda be fuckin’ kiddin’ me! …. a snowflake Prep School dweeb? … telling the rest of us how it’s goin’ on in the ‘burbs?

    Bwaaaaaaaaaaaah haaaaaaaa haaaaaa

    …. yeah … Right!

  4. I see the Beauty Shop depicted. Why no Liquor Store?

    If you look closely, I’m pretty sure you can see someone in the very back with a t-shirt that reads “Gone to Soon.”

    This is shameful.

  5. I’ve seen better art from elementary school kids. But that’s not art, it’s racist propaganda. Probably done by a crack head in a prison cell.

    I think that’s a Mercedes Benz hood ornament, not a peace sign. They like to steal those when rich people are stupid enough to drive down MLK blvd.

  6. Who is the jackal-looking creature on the right in front of the car supposed to represent? The guy who testified “hands up, don’t shoot” was a lie? Why is Jimi Hendrix behind bars?

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