BFH – Page 2010 – IOTW Report

13′ x 20′ Apartments in NYC

Monday, 28 December 2015, 16:15 BFH 35

There’s currently a limit to how small a NYC apartment can be. Regulators are considering lifting the restriction to allow even smaller micro-apartments. Tiny hovels with a retractable bed, that’s [Read More]


Monday, 28 December 2015, 0:50 BFH 42

News24– The good Samaritans who took onto their farm over 100 refugees displaced by this year’s xenophobic violence, now claim they have been threatened with murder by the same people [Read More]

Feminists “Singing”

Sunday, 27 December 2015, 21:29 BFH 27

They call it “sing screaming.” I call it the new siren for a fire truck. This is what you get when morons, who shouldn’t be in college, go because they [Read More]

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