Articles by BFH
Waterpick -Gate
There are some whispers that Ben Carson’s best friend, Al Costa, a dentist, defrauded the government by submitting dental billings that never took place. Carson testified on his behalf for leniency and [Read More]
What’d He Want?
A man who ran from Phoenix police and holed up on the roof of a motel wouldn’t come down till his demands were met, police said on Tuesday. It happened [Read More]
I can watch this stuff all day – Bad Day At Work For ISIS Thug
They scream like bitches, don’t they? watch
He Wanted This-
Police coaxed man from roof with milk and doughnuts
If Trump is Wrong and is a Racist, What Does that Make Mexican Leaders?
Mexico ramps up its deportations of illegal Central Americans.
Kasich Gets Lowest Dial Focus Group Rating Since Its Inception
Like we needed a focus group to tell us this, John Kasich is a libtard.
Saw This Product on Shark Tank
Maybe it was Shart Tank? JC Lady is to blame for this one.
New Addition To Pet Portrait Gallery
This is Thom and Guido You can see the rest of the gallery HERE. (Christmas is coming!!) 😉
“Head” Mizzou Muckraker Visited the White House Prior To His Muckraking Breitbart has more
I’m reposting this because it’s apropos right now, and also because I’ve received it around 3 times in the past month in my email box, sans credit. (I did this when [Read More]