BFH – Page 2063 – IOTW Report

Don’t Stop Beliebing

Thursday, 29 October 2015, 20:00 BFH 8

Man (Wearing Bieber Wig) Wigged Out At School and Was Arrested Oops, he did it again. (Wait, that’s Britney Spears.) Keep in mind, this is the type of guy that [Read More]


Thursday, 29 October 2015, 19:15 BFH 21

Yep. This sh!tstain of a company heaped on charges like – On Site Supervisor – $1250 Dangerous Condition Liability Insurance – $5000 (there were power lines “in the area” and [Read More]

Judy (Gottleib) Solash Dies – RIP

Thursday, 29 October 2015, 15:50 BFH 11

“Who?”, you’re asking. Well, that’s for you to figure out. No, I’m not making a game out of someone’s death. I’m not trivializing it. I’m paying homage to it. Here’s [Read More]

Judy Gottleib

Thursday, 29 October 2015, 15:47 BFH 6

Judy’s death is sad, but the back story on the song which contained her name is a great part of Americana. Media Confidential – “My parents insisted that my grandparents [Read More]


Thursday, 29 October 2015, 12:30 BFH 18

I did this image a long, long time ago. Now that he’s speaker, I’m not so sure he’s the antidote. He might be closer to the poison. We’ll soon see.

Ted Cruz Has an Audiographic Memory

Thursday, 29 October 2015, 7:15 BFH 13

It’s been revealed that Ted Cruz can remember conversations he’s had verbatim. It’s a skill he’s had since high school, and it’s one he doesn’t like to talk about because [Read More]

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