Racist Daily Beast Calls a Black Man A Liar
A black man had an incident at Popeye’s chicken. A thug came in and put a gun up against his side during a robbery. The Daily Beast, uncharacteristically, has questioned the [Read More]
A black man had an incident at Popeye’s chicken. A thug came in and put a gun up against his side during a robbery. The Daily Beast, uncharacteristically, has questioned the [Read More]
A Muslim terrorist who just stabbed an Israeli police officer had pork parts put on his face as he lay on a stretcher. GOOD JOB!!!
Irony alerts me that Geezerish put a link to some hilarious Amazon reviews of Sugar Free Gummy Bears, and the “laxative” effect they have for some people, in the comments. [Read More]
CNN- Read the reports: Report by Colorado prosecutor | Report by former FBI agent | Highway Patrol report S. Lamar Sims, the senior chief deputy district attorney in Denver, wrote [Read More]
NTDWA- Protests in Canada at decision to allow niqab-wearing women to vote without revealing identity Following confirmation by authorities in Canada that women who show up to vote wearing a [Read More]
Breitbart- A village in Germany has released a list of ground rules for migrants. The list covers matters of basic civility – like shopping and the Highway Code – to [Read More]
Who are the stupid people this time? Anyone defending Chase Utley, the jerk who has a long history of dirty slides. See HERE. HERE. HERE. But at least these were slides. In [Read More]
HT/ Tsunami
“Yacht Club” is offensive. No Yacht Clubs. Video Above
It looks like there is a cadre of morons who seek to politicize a clear case of treason in order to whitewash the heinous decision by Obama to release terrorists [Read More]
Christian Today There was a WSU chapel that Christian students used. When the benefactor died she said she wanted the chapel secularized so that it would be open to everyone. [Read More]
Go to lefty sites and they are most likely cursing Parr. The left is vile and sick. Read about the American Hero HERE ht/ illustr8r
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