NASA To Keep Tin Foil Hat Moon Hoaxers Busy For Years
NASA just released never before seen Apollo Mission photos on Flickr.
NASA just released never before seen Apollo Mission photos on Flickr.
LI— “Politically motivated and therefore linked to terrorism.” After the shooting in Oregon this weekend, an angry Obama took to the airwaves and insisted that he would openly politicize gun [Read More]
Watch Jeb get waylaid by Matt Lauer. He walks into the verbal equivalent of “your zippers undone … whoooooooooooop!” He accepts a compliment before Lauer is done talking and Lauer’s [Read More]
Even though this clip is making fun of Donald Trump, I like it. Why don’t I take offense? Because I like what my drunk neighbor is saying. After 7 years [Read More]
This is good stuff. And we need a political palette cleanser, more and more these days. BUT, I am going to point out something “political” in this clip. There is [Read More]
The woman has a good point. If your daughter was sold into the sex trade and ended up in Thailand, did she emigrate there? I don’t think so.
I’m absolutely floored by the lack of safety on the rides. Some of these are terrifying to watch because people, including children, are being hurdled through space with no harness. [Read More]
I’ve been giving the business for a few weeks now to one of our readers. I’m a Mets Fan. She’s a Pirates fan. She’s a Pirates fan because she has [Read More]
The story says it is “government owned” apartments. I don’t know if that means it is subsidized housing. If it is, I suppose the government can do what it wants [Read More]
Questions for white progressives: Why should we “brown” America? Is there a specific reason to “brown” America? Is it better? Why can’t it stay predominantly white? Here’s a strange post by [Read More]
The Conservative Treehouse is reporting that CNN altered the profile picture of the half-black shooter to make him look more caucasian, Many outlets have picked up the story, but I can’t find [Read More]
Government efficiency NUTSHELLED.
GOOD JOB!!!!!!! Great job! Ass-kicking helluva job! You guys are relevant as all hell!!!!! We should listen to everything you have to say because you’re getting results!!! When black activists [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.