I Dunno, Think He’s Muslim?
Elton Simpson – One of the Very Dead Shooters in Garland, Texas.
Elton Simpson – One of the Very Dead Shooters in Garland, Texas.
The woman behind anti-Islamic Muhammad cartoon contest and her long history of hatred
I’d forgotten that I had made this for display at Garland, which would only seen by attendees. This represents most of the submissions, but not all. (Some people submitted dozens, many [Read More]
Bosch Fawstin took both prizes (the main event and the people’s choice award) with this image.
I just got off the phone with Miss Pamela. She said that the war is on our shores. Shots were fired for drawing a cartoon. Meanwhile our quisling left is [Read More]
Everyone should sign off all correspondences with this depiction of Muhammad. Use it on everything. @8{>
From inside the AFDI event in Garland.
Pamela Geller – This is a war. This is war on free speech. What are we going to do? Are we going to surrender to these monsters? Two men with [Read More]
ht/ sam s.
Patriot Post Looking ahead to a possible constitutional right to same-sex “marriage,” Justice Samuel Alito asked a key question: “In the Bob Jones case, the Court held that a college [Read More]
SF Gate- A Southern California man who was beaten with a baseball bat has died and authorities say they’ll seek a murder charge in the alleged hate crime attack. Fifty-four-year-old Armando [Read More]
This black life form does not matter. Not one bit. Not an iota. And he may very well be a protester in Baltimore holding up a #BlackLIvesMatter placard. The slogan [Read More]
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