Crank It Up To 11
When you are in your house or driving down the road, what song, when it comes on the radio/CD, makes you crank the volume up to 11?
When you are in your house or driving down the road, what song, when it comes on the radio/CD, makes you crank the volume up to 11?
From Deplorable Dave
You Wouldn’t Like Me When I’m Irritated Images from: 1 forcibly deranged (Kilo) “Tell me another one…”2 forcibly deranged (Bear)3 forcibly deranged (Logan)4 JustAl5 Steve Brown (cape buffalo)6 Mr. Mxyzptlk7 [Read More]
DC: Muslim researcher complains that war on terror was “rooted in Islamophobia” and “exclusively targeted Muslims” Jihad Watch – “The goal is to really underscore how the war on terror [Read More]
or else “President Elizabeth Warren” The Right Scoop – Ted Cruz warned this morning that if Trump goes all in for the Manchin-Toomey background check bill, he could risk the [Read More]
Images from: 1 Truckbuddy (Sammy) – Truckbuddy said that Sammy was looking for me last week when I was missing! Awwwwwww He found me!2 For the “Friends Past” post: GreenCross4Safety [Read More]
Saw on Twitter: “When an introvert gets a phone call …”
I know that we are probably sick to death of CNN and Little Brian Stelter, but this points out something that just flew over my head when I read about [Read More]
Save yourself and mute the sound as you watch this, k?
Images from: 1 Anymouse (Tessie) – I was always the one to take them on their last visit to the vet and couldn’t do it with this one. At least [Read More]
Or laugh with abandon? What movies make you scared? Sad? Happy? What was the worst movie you ever watched? What movie is your favorite of all time? Cry Laugh Scared [Read More]
Newsmax – The U.S. Department of Justice is dusting off a rarely used 1968 anti-crime measure known as the “H. Rap Brown Law” to launch prosecutions of both the far-left [Read More] – Inspired by her role as Abby Johnson in the movie Unplanned, Ashley Bratcher is partnering with Heartbeat International to offer moms facing unplanned pregnancies educational scholarships so they [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.