Claudia – Page 86 – IOTW Report

Crank It Up To 11

Friday, 20 September 2019, 21:30 Claudia 128

When you are in your house or driving down the road, what song, when it comes on the radio/CD, makes you crank the volume up to 11?

Don’t Make Me Irritated

Sunday, 15 September 2019, 8:00 Claudia 12

You Wouldn’t Like Me When I’m Irritated Images from: 1 forcibly deranged (Kilo) “Tell me another one…”2 forcibly deranged (Bear)3 forcibly deranged (Logan)4 JustAl5 Steve Brown (cape buffalo)6 Mr. Mxyzptlk7 [Read More]


Saturday, 14 September 2019, 12:00 Claudia 22

DC: Muslim researcher complains that war on terror was “rooted in Islamophobia” and “exclusively targeted Muslims” Jihad Watch – “The goal is to really underscore how the war on terror [Read More]

Memorable Critters

Sunday, 8 September 2019, 8:00 Claudia 7

Images from: 1 Truckbuddy (Sammy) – Truckbuddy said that Sammy was looking for me last week when I was missing! Awwwwwww He found me!2 For the “Friends Past” post: GreenCross4Safety [Read More]

Poor Kitty!

Thursday, 5 September 2019, 17:45 Claudia 12

Saw on Twitter: “When an introvert gets a phone call …”

Friends Past

Sunday, 25 August 2019, 8:00 Claudia 19

Images from: 1 Anymouse (Tessie) – I was always the one to take them on their last visit to the vet and couldn’t do it with this one. At least [Read More]

What Movies Make You Cry?

Saturday, 24 August 2019, 20:00 Claudia 88

Or laugh with abandon? What movies make you scared? Sad? Happy? What was the worst movie you ever watched? What movie is your favorite of all time? Cry Laugh Scared [Read More]

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