MJA – Page 4006 – IOTW Report

Francine’s interview

Tuesday, 17 November 2015, 0:30 MJA 6

Born in 1933, Francine Christophe was deported with her mother at the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in 1944. Released the following year, she continues to share her experience and memories, particularly [Read More]


Monday, 16 November 2015, 22:30 MJA 13

Regie’sBlog: “Dad, there’s going to be a World War III,” my nine-year-old said to me, as I was drying him from his bath. “Nah, buddy. I think we’re all going [Read More]

Poll: The Military hates Hillary

Monday, 16 November 2015, 20:30 MJA 21

No kiddin’. Rassmussen: Hillary Clinton is still in line to win the Democratic Party’s nomination to be the next commander in chief, but few Americans in the military have a [Read More]

She’s often confused

Monday, 16 November 2015, 15:58 MJA 38

Judicial Watch has caused quite a stir by releasing an email exchange from 2013 where Hillary’s long-time companion and aide Huma Abedin wrote of her boss that she’s often confused. [Story@ [Read More]

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