AWOL mystery: Democrat leaders departed Arizona during Biden visit, leaving Republican in charge – IOTW Report

AWOL mystery: Democrat leaders departed Arizona during Biden visit, leaving Republican in charge

JTN: Arizona’s top Democratic leadership left the state while President Joe Biden stopped by for a visit, leaving the Republican state treasurer as acting governor for a brief period.

On Wednesday, Arizona State Treasurer Kimberly Yee (R) released a statement saying that she would be acting governor but didn’t offer a reason.

“I have been notified that I will be serving as Acting Governor beginning later this evening until mid-morning tomorrow,” Yee wrote. “While I am pleased to step into this role, I will refrain from naming directors to the 13 agencies that currently have vacancies and will not call the Arizona Legislature into session to confirm them.

“That being said, I do hope when the Governor returns to Arizona, she will promptly name qualified directors to these important state agencies and remove the legal uncertainty that exists for all of the regulatory actions taken by the agencies,” she added. “I expect to see a swift resolution to this matter, so we can get back to getting the work done for Arizona taxpayers. The people of Arizona deserve leaders who follow the rule of law.”  more here

40 Comments on AWOL mystery: Democrat leaders departed Arizona during Biden visit, leaving Republican in charge

  1. “While I am pleased to step into this role, I will refrain from naming directors to the 13 agencies that currently have vacancies and will not call the Arizona Legislature into session to confirm them“.

    Great, another rino. You know for a fact a commie lib would do everything in their power to turn things upside down.

  2. Arizona is gone.
    Kari Lake has gone Laura Loomer batshit crazy.
    It’s really a shame.
    All those old fucks that live there should be wise enough to know better but still vote democrat.
    Stolen elections?
    Who is to say, a lot of smoke but no fire.
    Like I said, Kari Lake can suck me off, the stupid cunt.

  3. joe6, I don’t think you are aware of the crazy shit that has come out of Kari lake’s mouth lately.
    She’s like Trump’s crazy ex trying to get back in favor.
    She wants the VP spot and she would do anything to get it.
    I don’t think Trump, even though he picks some real losers would even fuck with Kari these days.
    I surely hope not.
    Bitch is CRAZY!

  4. Loco, I haven’t watched it, the good guys started off in such a hole I didn’t make time. We need a record performance tomorrow.

    I’ve seen a bit of Kari Lake, I like her fighting spirit! Instead of rolling over, we need more of that!

  5. Kari had DeSantis come to Arizona during her campaign.
    He did, he supported her and now she is telling outright lies about him in order to gain favor with Trump.
    These are easily disprovable and it absolutely destroys her credibility regarding stolen elections.
    You have to be credible to challenge elections.
    She throws that shit away with her lies about DeSantis.
    Stupid bitch.

  6. joe6, last night they had an hour of coverage on USA network of the Ryder Cup.
    Then they switched to an old episode of 911.
    NBC had a bullshit talk show on.
    All the while a live sporting event was going on in Rome.
    It seems that idiots run the world.
    Likely paid in six figures these motherfuckers can’t show an event on the West coast properly.

    I hate the world. I wish I was an idiot, then maybe I would understand…

  7. For instance, Kari said that DeSantis was forcing clot-shots on school children in 2020.
    Why lie when it’s easily disprovable?
    Do these political motherfuckers think we are dumb?

    It’s just as bad as saying “I pulled the fire alarm to open the door.”
    I expect more from our side.
    I used to LOVE Kari Lake.
    Now I want the cunt to die fast and rot in the fires of hell!

  8. “Now I want the cunt to die fast and rot in the fires of hell!”. That’s pretty serious Loco! I would reserve that for Hilary, Pelosi, most all the libs, not Kari Lake.

  9. “Loco, you sound like a rolled over rino.”

    Nothing more further from the truth.
    If we have spineless liars on our side we are no better than the left.
    Kari will be blasting Trump in no time.
    I’ve seen this movie before.
    She is Ann Coulter on steroids.
    She will hate and turn on Trump within a year.
    Mark my words…

  10. Could it be LBS is actually Ron DeSantis himself?

    If so, hi Ron, love what you do for FL, although I belive El Presidentate is a bit of an overreach until PDJT is done.

    Then you and Youngkin can fight it out. he is a much better match for you…

  11. You’d think FJB is the carrier of a world ending virus like you’d see in a movie like “Outbreak” or “Contagion” the way formerly supportive Democrats are avoiding him. I guess it’s lonely at the top.

  12. leaving the Republican state treasurer as acting governor for a brief period.

    And what exactly were you going to do with all that power? You’re nothing but a reed blowing in the wind.

  13. Loco’s Trump Derangement Syndrome has now morphed into just regular derangement. I guess Kari Lake should just be a good girl and sit back and shut up after the election was stolen from her. Just go away.

  14. Hard to believe anyone could be in denial about 300,000 votes being injected into the Maricopia County’s tally when the officials in charge of the count still refuse to provide the legally required chain of custody for those ballots. If they have the proof, you’d think they would just provide it. I imagine that’s why they’re fighting tooth and nail to prevent an inspection of these ballots. A limited viewing of some ballots has revealed signatures(?), where there are even some, that don’t come within a mile of the actual person’s signature.

    Then you’ve got the proven fake public display of voting machine accuracy on 3 vote tabulating machines that were subsequently warehoused on election day. Coding investigation proved there was testing on other tabulators that were used in heavy Republican leaning districts on election that failed 59% of the time. That resulted in 10s of 1,000s of people, mostly Kari Lake supporters, being unable to cast their vote.

    But shitbags like a commenter here doubt election fraud? And compares MS Lake to Laura Loomer(who’s only been on the money EVERY TIME with her journalism)HAHAHAHA What a fookin’ maroon. There’s dumb and than there’s weapon’s grade stupid.

  15. Well there’s a precious commodity called “credibility.”
    Lose that and you have NOTHING!
    When you tell easily disprovable lies it’s easy to impeach you when you are actually telling the truth.
    Something about crying wolf and all that.

    Laura Loomer, Kari Lake, Sidney Powell are all batshit crazy loons who dangle a carrot and some idiots here still fall for it.

    If you have proof of stolen elections then present it.

  16. Tony R Sunday, 1 October 2023, 10:04 at 10:04 am

    Loco’s Trump Derangement Syndrome has now morphed into just regular derangement. I guess Kari Lake should just be a good girl and sit back and shut up after the election was stolen from her. Just go away.

    Well the obvious results are, Kari hasn’t gotten anywhere with her grievances, nor has Trump. The Deep State is not going to let them have their way. The two are pissing in the wind. I don’t recall any candidate calling an election a fraud, and end up winning the seat later on down the road.

  17. If Arizona was stolen from Kari then maybe that is for the best.
    I’m glad to find out she is a crazy cunt now, and not after she took office.
    I know the dems are crazy assholes out to fuck everyone over.
    That’s better than a stealthy cunt who fucks you behind your back.
    If all we have are grifting liars then why bother voting anyway.
    I expect better.
    Kari Lake is a lying sack of shit.

  18. It would be easy for Maricopa County election officials to prove Kari Lake is wrong about the signatures not matching on those ~300,000 ballots that were mysteriously injected into the count without the legally required chain of custody. Allow an inspection of the ballots, easy-peasy.

    If the signatures on the ballots(where there even any) match the previously submitted signatures of the voters than MS Lake needs to STFU. Obviously they don’t match otherwise they would be available for inspection. The signatures on the ones that were submitted for inspection by MC election officials weren’t even laughably close to the real signatures. And these were the ballots MC election officials were using to make their case??? Good grief, the reality must be horrific.

    So in some asshole’s twisted mind, this proves MS Lake is a liar? Whatevs. He’s still plucking the RDS chicken as well so there is an obvious disconnect with the real world.

  19. The problem isn’t proving the elections were stolen.
    Often the result is all the proof required.
    The problem is finding an honest judge who will issue subpoenas to honest investigators and allow the facts to be presented and then rule upon the facts.
    We KNOW the Presidential election in Pennsylvania (and some other states) was stolen (see: The Steal, Joe Hoft).
    Arizona has been stealing elections (documented) since (at least) the 1880s.

    All we’ve experienced so far are lies, obfuscations, excuses, and diversions.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  20. Evidently MMinWA failed at reading comprehension.
    I’ve been VERY clear in my posts here.
    If you are too dumb to comprehend my point about Kari lying about DeSantis thus fucking her credibility to hell regarding any other statement she makes, then don’t even bother reading what I post here.
    Good grief!

  21. ” then don’t even bother reading what I post here.” …..The most realistic thing Loco has ever posted….The Bailiff will abide, but I do admit that it’s difficult……Who can take their eyes off a train wreck?….

  22. Like I said, read my posts or don’t.
    We all have that freedom.
    Isn’t it wonderful!

    All I ask is that if you do read what I write:
    Do not misquote me or try and put words in my mouth.
    Do not blame me if you don’t understand sarcasm.
    Do not get your panties in such a wad that you demand a physical confrontation.
    You can call me stupid names all day, it only proves I know exactly what the hell I’m talking about and that you simply cannot deal with it.

  23. You don’t have a clue what you are talking about, loco. That is why everyone thinks you are a shitbomb, lying, delusional fuckstick. If everyone calls you shitty names it is because you suck, not because you know what you are talking about.

  24. It’s no wonder our side loses all the time. Dems stick together like glue. We bash everyone who doesn’t 1MM% agree with us. Joe Messina bashes Bannon. Knowles says we can’t deport all the illegals. Get a message and get everybody to agree or go down in flames.

  25. Loco, while I don’t agree with all your comments, I WOULD never do what others said about you here. Everyone has a voice an opinion, to berate & belittle someone only shows their own shortcomings. Your ok, me I don’t even read half the one-sided jackass opinions, cause frankly my dear I don’t give a damn.


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