Barbara “Ma’am” Boxer to vows to deny California farmers water – IOTW Report

Barbara “Ma’am” Boxer to vows to deny California farmers water

Breitbart: Retiring U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer of California is determined to be remembered as a defiant and dogmatic leftist, as she plans Friday to filibuster a bipartisan water bill that gives her state’s farmers more access to water after six years of drought.

(Update: Boxer began her filibuster, as promised, Friday afternoon)

Her stand delayed the passage of an overall government funding bill.)

Boxer is furious about a rider to the bill that allows water pumping levels to exceed current environmental standards, which were designed to protect the endangered Delta smelt baitfish, as well as salmon needing river water to swim upstream.   read more

22 Comments on Barbara “Ma’am” Boxer to vows to deny California farmers water

  1. Boxer doesn’t give a crap about the farmers as they just about all vote Republican. The save the smelt crowd are all Democrat deep pocketed limousine liberals from San Francisco, Hollywood and Silicon Valley. This is your basic going away FU to conservatives.
    By the by, does anybody else have problems with the Breitbart pages? They take forever to load, are filled with autoplay video ads and paging down is a time consuming event. I’ve pretty well stopped going to them. Hell, maybe the Windows 10 sp 2 with the Explorer 11.0.37 is cursed. If there’s a cure that you’re away of please let me know.

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