Because Demand Dipped. Yeah, That’s Why. – IOTW Report

Because Demand Dipped. Yeah, That’s Why.

AstraZeneca to Withdraw COVID Vaccine Globally as Demand Dips.
Salty Cracker has the details.

10 Comments on Because Demand Dipped. Yeah, That’s Why.

  1. It hasn’t killed nearly as many people as it should have, so they’re going to come out with the “New and Improved, and Safer and Morer effectiver” vaccine!

  2. It’s not a vaccine.
    It’s a poison.
    It doesn’t immunize; it kills, and, apparently, people are starting to wake up.

    Only took a couple of 3 or 4 years, but better late than never, I guess.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. These big pharma companies are in cahoots with doctors.
    The doctors and hospitals knew their patients were being harmed and killed by the clot shots but the money was good and they went along.
    They’re as responsible as anyone.
    Good luck getting compensation for deaths.
    You have to have autopsy reports and death certificates proving the shots were the cause.
    No doc is going to put their job, bank account and reputation in danger.

  4. Rumors are flying that demand for vaccines is down world wide.

    I’m not touchin’ nothin’, that’s for sure. Don’t trust any vaccine maker anymore!

  5. FINALLY found one person who admits to having slab-jab buyer’s remorse. He trusted his doctor, only got one jab. In spite of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, everyone else still claims the jabs are safe and effective, helped save lives. At a recent funeral the word quickly spread that no one was allowed to talk about turbo cancer!

  6. MrLiberty, that may not be strictly true. I have a dear friend in the Philippines who against my strongest advice took the AstraZeneca jabs. (She is a travel nurse and needed it for work in Canada). She has had severe health issues since then (three years ago) and has been hospitalised about six times with difficulty breathing and needing transfusions. The same so-called vaccine killed her (non-custodial) 11 year old son, younger sister and mother. Maybe since folks who live in the PI are just “brown people” the jab was more deadly there than here in the US.


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