Ben Carson: Take away CAIR’s tax-exempt status – IOTW Report

Ben Carson: Take away CAIR’s tax-exempt status

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IRS: Take Away Muslim Group’s Tax-Exempt Status The Council on Islamic-American Relations (CAIR), a U.S. Muslim group, recently demanded that I withdraw as candidate for the 2016 presidential race. By doing so, the organization has brazenly violated IRS rules prohibiting tax-exempt nonprofits like CAIR to intervene in a political campaign on behalf of—or in opposition to—a candidate.

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17 Comments on Ben Carson: Take away CAIR’s tax-exempt status

  1. Go get ’em, Ben. He speaks softly, but watch out for the stick! This guy has great courage and tenacity. It’s so refreshing to hear and see. Thanks to Cruz, Carson, and Trump for their straight shooting and giving us hope against the Obama/socialist tsunami we have suffered.

  2. “…the organization has brazenly violated IRS rules prohibiting tax-exempt nonprofits like CAIR to intervene in a political campaign on behalf of—or in opposition to—a candidate.”

    So what is the problem? This is perfectly acceptable under Sharia law.

  3. I admire Mr. Carson and think he is getting some great legal advice on his kickbacks against his detractors. Rubio and Jeb could use some good advice too. I’ll give them some… get outta the race.

  4. if they put law enforcement personel in any mosque on a friday,
    that place would no longer be allowed religious status in the US.
    so mebbe’ we put one in every mosque on any given friday &
    deport every imam back to waheebi land . as for the flock,
    we make them an offer they can’t refuse …

  5. Mad Jack I’m with you. Put every filthy stinking Muslim on the Enola Gay, (Obama first) fire her up and send them straight to hell. God, the place must be overflowing.
    For years I’ve been a Ted Cruz supporter, but no more since he says it’s okay to have a another Muslim president. I think we’ve had enough of that chit.

    Ben Carson is the only one who absolutely understands these rabid seventh century troglodytes. He surrounds himself with men of goodwill, of knowledge, and good advice. Nobody is going to step on this man. He will make an excellent president.

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