Berlin Artist Creates Statue to Honor Migrant Drug Dealers – IOTW Report

Berlin Artist Creates Statue to Honor Migrant Drug Dealers

Summit News:

In an effort to challenge the right-wing, a Berlin artist has created a statue that honors African migrant drug dealers.

The statue was erected in Görlitzer Park, where many actual migrant drug dealers operate.

Yes, really.

Scott Holmquist, an American-French resident of Berlin, was angered by a recent right-wing Pegida demonstration against the prevalence of migrant drug dealers in the park.

He responded by creating an entire exhibition to honor migrants with the motto, “Solidarity and human rights for all – even for dealers!” read more

8 Comments on Berlin Artist Creates Statue to Honor Migrant Drug Dealers

  1. San Francrisco “art” “community” is pissed. Not to be outdone, they’ve started a crash project to make a statue of a dozen addicts, schizophrenics, homosexuals, and transgenders all taking a dump in the street at the same time.

  2. Why in God’s name, why? This is what we get for forgetting God. It seemingly can’t get any worse yet it always does. God has driven these people mad and they don’t know it and our elite betters praise it as high art and no big deal. I don’t know what us else to say except God help us and save us from this garbage.

  3. Americans look forward to the stock market crash because they think that they’ll be able to buy homes cheaply.

    Americans don’t realize that when the US Ponzi economy collapses, ATM cards won’t work, banks will close, companies will shut, cash will be worthless, the water and electricity won’t work, there will be no government workers to transfer titles, there will be roving mobs of starving people, and there will be no police to protect property.

  4. @Political Message Board November 2, 2019 at 10:09 pm

    You’re conflatusing “Americans” with “United Statesians”. Residents of The United States don’t know what happens when the lights go out. That’s why Americans look forward to it.

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