Bernie Sanders Says Medicare for All Would Cost Jaw-Dropping $40 Trillion Dollars – IOTW Report

Bernie Sanders Says Medicare for All Would Cost Jaw-Dropping $40 Trillion Dollars

Or else… People will die. Or whatever.

Legal Insurrection:

“Sanders’ astronomical estimate aligns with a Mercatus Center study conducted last year”

Bernie Sanders was interviewed by the Washington Post on Tuesday and when asked what the price of his Medicare-for-all plan would be, he casually answered that it would be 30 to 40 trillion over ten years.

Oh, is that all?

The NTK Network reports:

Bernie Sanders Admits Medicare for All Would Cost Up to $40 Trillion

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) admitted during an interview with the Washington Post on Tuesday that Medicare for All, his preferred government-run health care system, could cost up to $40 trillion over a 10-year span.

he Washington Post’s Robert Costa asked Sanders to put a number on what his proposal might cost.

“Somewhere between $30 trillion and $40 trillion over a 10-year period,” Sanders responded.

Sanders’ astronomical estimate aligns with a Mercatus Center study conducted last year that pegged the 10-year cost to be about $32.6 trillion.

A senior research strategist from Mercatus testified before Congress and said that “doubling all currently projected federal individual and corporate income tax would be insufficient to finance” Medicare for All.

Sanders typically avoids direct discussions about the costs associated with Medicare for All. Frequently, he qualifies the massive price tag by noting that Medicare for All eliminates premiums, co-pays, and other costs associated with the current system.


14 Comments on Bernie Sanders Says Medicare for All Would Cost Jaw-Dropping $40 Trillion Dollars

  1. Take all the finances of the Billionaires, Millionaires & the rest of the population combined within every landmass on the planet Earth & there still won’t be enough to pay for this fiasco, because where the “Progs” are involved, it will actually cost ten times the stated amount.

  2. Wait-a-sec while I ask my great-great-great-great grand children if that’s okay with them since they’ll be paying the bill, okay, Bernie?

    Oh, and your Commune called. They said you left a huge mess and were a really lazy Communist.


    Are they running out of doctors and empty hospitals? Is there a crisis? NO.

    The medical system runs just fine, and doctors / nurses don’t make rock-star salaries. Don’t need 40 trillion dollars, just need to make sure these people aren’t making huge salaries.

  4. No, no, no. You’ve all missed the obvious. We’ll just have Treasury stamp out a couple of 20 trillion dollar coins. Ta da! Problem solved. You’ve just got to adjust your thinking to fit modern economic theory.

  5. @ Mithrandir
    Are they running out of doctors and empty hospitals? Is there a crisis? NO.

    You have to be joking. South Korea has an “aging population and the low birthrate of the country leaves future growth unknown. Recent studies indicate that the population could drop by 40 million to just 10 million by the year 2136,” according to World Population Review. They are also a homogenous culture, 99% Korean ethnicity, unlike the USA and would adhere to a government run system more effectively than a vibrantly diverse country like ours.

    The moment we hand out Medicare for all, we are going to be swamped with every Third World family with a sick child who can make it across that border.

    Also, lest you forget, Medicare for all is going to wipe out the stock market. Not much to tax if the rich loose all their investments.

    We probably will add another 40-100 million refugees who will have no capacity to economically contribute to society in any meaningful way and neither will the next generation of of them if current statics hold true.


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