Biden Cancels Air Force One MAGA Paint Scheme Because It’s Too Hot – IOTW Report

Biden Cancels Air Force One MAGA Paint Scheme Because It’s Too Hot


In yet another petty move that not only looks like a slap at former President Donald Trump but smacks of being unAmerican as well, President Joe Biden has scrapped the new red, white, and blue design for Air Force One.

The unpatriotic move by the Biden administration comes after an Air Force review suggested it would need to raise costs and delay the delivery of the new jets. More

33 Comments on Biden Cancels Air Force One MAGA Paint Scheme Because It’s Too Hot

  1. Whoever makes decisions at the White House (it isn’t Joe) cancels Air Force One’s MAGA paint job.
    Joe was probably wandering aimlessly around the White House when that decision was made.

  2. “The Red and yellow of Chyna?”

    That, or the blue and yellow of Ukraine. Who knows? Maybe some of that loot going to Ukraine is earmarked for Air Force One paint.

  3. While, obviously, dark colors absorb more heat than light colors, the plan would have to fly inverted for the sun to hit the underside. All the other planes in the Air Force inventory are painted dark gray; do they have an overheating problem? My guess is DOCTOR Jill wanted to put her personal touch on AF One.

  4. Joni
    Spoken for. That’s a knee Slapper. Yea by anybody that will get close to that smelly ass thing. All Libtard women are skanks and whores. And all MAGA women are classy and hot.

  5. “smacks of being unAmerican”
    If anyone knows about being unAmerican, it’s Joe and his socialist/communist handlers !
    FJB and his “unAmerican” handlers

  6. “Anyone else dismayed by the poor quality of the trolls these days?”

    She quit pretty early. I was all set to give her tips on personal hygiene. Like, just because those car air fresheners have strings on them doesn’t mean you can use them like a tampon.


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