Just The News: As the Trump administration battles the courts over the president’s far-reaching orders and animus toward individual judges, earning a rebuke from Chief Justice John Roberts, the Biden administration’s four years of alleged censorship via Big Tech collusion and coercion — sporadically blocked in court — continues to unravel.
Ninety federal agencies and components were involved in 57 “distinct” Biden-era censorship initiatives through direct actions, policies or rulemakings, partnerships and grants, according to a report by the Media Research Center, whose prior documentation of news-rating service NewsGuard‘s alleged bias played a role in subsequent congressional and agency investigations.
While the initiatives happened “behind closed doors,” readers should view them “in the context” of President Biden’s bully pulpit, MRC said, which promoted censorship of political opponents, called platforms un-American for “declining to contract with censorship outfits” and famously accused Facebook owner Meta of “killing people” for insufficient censorship. read more
Those 90 federal agencies need to be shuttered and their leadership tried and hung for treason.
cunt-roberts can sk dk, along with its robe-chimp pals
Here are my thoughts on government censorship: First, XXXXXXX XXXX, XXXX and XXXXXXXXXX. [content redacted]. Further, XXXXXXX XXX XXXXX but XXXXXXXXX. [content redacted]. But on the other hand, XXXXXXX XXXXXX X XXXXX XXX XXXXX and XXXXXXX. [content redacted].
I would like to thank our local Democrat representative for helping me with this comment.
hr cliton wants to “protect” free speech
Did Biden do anything at all that was actually legal?