Biden in 1974: ‘Politicians Can Take Away’ First Amendment ‘If We Want’ – IOTW Report

Biden in 1974: ‘Politicians Can Take Away’ First Amendment ‘If We Want’

Former Vice President Joe Biden told a journalist in 1974 that “cruddy politicians” like himself could “take away” the First Amendment if they wanted.

Breitbart: The current 2020 Democrat frontrunner made the comments to Washingtonian magazine while being interviewed for profile published in June 1974. Biden, then only 31-years-old, came to regret the interview, as his penchant for gaffes and insensitive remarks—traits defining later portions of his career—heavily colored the piece. At the time, however, Biden appeared eager to discuss his life as the nation’s youngest senator.

“I am proud to be a politician,” Biden told then-Washingtonian writer Kitty Kelley, who authored the profile. “There is no other walk of life which can do more good for mankind than politics. It influences everything that happens to the American people.”

Biden proceeded, according to Kelley, to lean “over his desk to shake his finger at me” while explaining elected officials like himself had the power to “take away” constitutionally protected rights if they saw fit.

“And, whether you like it or not, young lady,” he said. “Us cruddy politicians can take away that First Amendment of yours if we want to.”

Biden’s remarks to Washingtonian mirror those he made in an address to the City Club of Cleveland, Ohio in May 1973. Although that speech initially drew notice for commentsBiden made likely to be offensive to women and his use of racially insensitive language —notably when he lectured about what “was good for the Negro,”– it also provided insight into his views on power and politics.

“We spend a lot of time talking about the United States being a melting pot, well that’s true, but quite frankly I think it’s overrated,” Biden told the City Club. “We’ve been able to move forward because of politics. In my opinion, politics need not necessarily be a dirty word.”

Biden expressed that despite the conventional feeling politics was “dirty,” politicians like him do more good for society than doctors or lawyers or “Indian chiefs.”

“Politics should be the most honorable of professions,” he said. “Those of you who are doctors and lawyers and Indian chiefs in the audience, how can any of you possibly do as much good, if you are very good at what you do, as I can do if I am very good at what I can do?”

‘You can’t,” Biden added. “So the point is, this is where the action is.”

At other points in the speech, Biden declared that politicians were just “as moral,” if not more so, than doctors. He also admitted to taking “great offense” at what he saw as the public’s “perilous” attempt to label anyone in elective office a “thief” or a “crook.”  Keep reading. It gets worse.

21 Comments on Biden in 1974: ‘Politicians Can Take Away’ First Amendment ‘If We Want’

  1. Be sure to read it to the end. I believe Biden was WORSE when he first started. He’s just slower now. But he’s still the same creep.

    The way he talked about his first wife and what they did… So gross!
    Now I know for sure he’s touching females with sexual thoughts in his head.

  2. …Rights are given by God, and can only be taken AWAY by God.

    The Constitution does not GRANT rights, it simply RECOGNIZES this.

    …And Joe Biden is NOT God, is not OF God, and CLEARLY does not KNOW God, or he wouldn’t be a Democrat…


  4. “…And Joe Biden is NOT God, is not OF God, and CLEARLY does not KNOW God, or he wouldn’t be a Democrat…”

    Very likely true but the same can be said for almost every Republican, libertarian, etc.

  5. So this stories been out there since 1974 and this isn’t his first shot at running for the highest office plus he had 8yrs. as V.P. Why are we just now seeing this or have I just missed it in the past?

  6. He also admitted to taking “great offense” at what he saw as the public’s “perilous” attempt to label anyone in elective office a “thief” or a “crook.”

    Gee, I can’t imagine why he’d want to take away the first amendment. There probably isn’t a single person in the country who would dispute this claim.

    Also an observation about his sex life, since he brought it up:
    His hands do the work today what his shriveled up dingus did back in the 70s. That thought should help solidify his creepiness, in case you were on the fence.

  7. “Biden proceeded, according to Kelley, to lean “over his desk to shake his finger at me” while explaining elected officials like himself had the power to “take away” constitutionally protected rights if they saw fit.”

    Think about that. Where have you seen that superior attitude lately?

    Does Miss “I-am-the-boss” ring a bell?

  8. I’d wager he’s a kinky keyhole peeking pervert to this day. Looming over women and girls while exploring with his paws and whispering who knows what, he must have imagined he was arousing them. The reality is likelier that at the first chance they had after their meetings they scalded themselves in hot showers to remove any residue.

  9. “..It influences everything that happens to the American people.”

    Pretty much covers why my first instinct about any of them is reflexive distaste, until I can determine if they’re decent human beings. Guilty until proven innocent is definitely a self-preservation move when it comes to people who are hungry to wield power over us.

  10. grool JUNE 11, 2019 AT 9:46 AM
    ‘“…And Joe Biden is NOT God, is not OF God, and CLEARLY does not KNOW God, or he wouldn’t be a Democrat…”

    Very likely true but the same can be said for almost every Republican, libertarian, etc.’

    …True, but getting away from the Democrat party at LEAST increases the ODDS…

  11. grool JUNE 11, 2019 AT 9:46 AM
    ‘“…And Joe Biden is NOT God, is not OF God, and CLEARLY does not KNOW God, or he wouldn’t be a Democrat…”

    Very likely true but the same can be said for almost every Republican, libertarian, etc.’

    …and no man IS worthy of ruling other men as the Lord, WHATEVER his label.

    …Which is why the LEAST possible Government should be used at ALL times, Government should be under CONSTANT scrutiny, the First Amendment being a vital PART of that scrutiny, and the Second Amendment serving its INTENDED purpose of having an armed populace to act on a BRAKE on any Government that seeks to usurp our GOD-given rights…

  12. Biden graduated summa cum laude at the Jesse Unruh school of politics. Unruh taught Willie Brown every dirty trick he knew. My favorite Unruh quote,”If you can’t take their money, drink their whiskey, and f#ck their women, and still vote against them, you have no business in politics”.

  13. Obviously he never knew anyone shot in the mouth,,
    What a lazy bastard, he just listened to the Clinton’s,,
    ‘Biggie Smalls,,, Hil and I Tupac’d that trash,,’
    Biden will never be fit to be my POTUS!
    HINT LAPD,,,


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