Biden’s Energy Sec. Sold Her Stock in Failing Electric Vehicle Co. Just Before Its Bankruptcy – IOTW Report

Biden’s Energy Sec. Sold Her Stock in Failing Electric Vehicle Co. Just Before Its Bankruptcy

Envolve– Joe Biden and former Michigan Democrat Gov and now Biden Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm made huge news with their support of an electric vehicle company. But we now know that just ahead of its bankruptcy, Granholm sold almost two million dollars of her stock in the company.

In 2017 electric bus company Proterra got the endorsement of Granholm before she became Biden Sec. of Energy. She even joined the company’s board of directors.

But now we find that Granholm sold her stock in May of 2021 just after Joe Biden made a big show visit to the company.

13 Comments on Biden’s Energy Sec. Sold Her Stock in Failing Electric Vehicle Co. Just Before Its Bankruptcy

  1. This is unethical as all get-out, but that article headline is way off base. Granholm cashed out TWO YEARS before the crap company went bankrupt. That’s simply NOT “just before”.

    This isn’t a defense of Granholm. It’s a slap at the Envolve headline scribbler.

  2. And she did that without any insider knowledge whatsoever


    The Pelosi crime family

    the Feinstein crime family

    But prosecute the Collins family

    Even though all these crimes happened in the same federal jurisdiction

  3. “…But now we find that Granholm sold her stock in May of 2021 just after Joe Biden made a big show visit to the company.”…yada, yada, yada!!!……………..zzzzzzZZZZZZZZZ…CRASH!!!…..”HEY!!!Here Come the FIRE TRUCKS!!!rrrrrrRRRRRRrrrrrrRRRRRRR!!!!SCREEEECH!!!

    HEY!!!..Throw some gas on it!…It’ll burn out Quicker!!!

  4. I keep saying that all stocks held by any elected or appointed government official should be reported 24 hours prior to being sold or purchased. Passing of any info to any friend, family or associates should be a capital offense.

  5. Makes no difference what laws you pass, they just get their spouses to buy & sell on their behalf.


    To hell with investing, Just Get Hunter to bring it Home a few million at a time.


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