Biden’s Pitstop at a Sheetz Lacks Energy – IOTW Report

Biden’s Pitstop at a Sheetz Lacks Energy


Joe Biden’s stop at a Sheetz gas station in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, while on his way to deliver remarks in the city was mocked by conservatives on social media who claimed the visit failed to excite those present at the scene.

Sharing a clip of the Democratic president entering the Pittsburgh-area Sheetz to buy sandwiches for construction workers, conservative news website Red Voice Media wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter: “Notice everyone’s excitement. [face with rolling eyes emoji] Compare this with literally anywhere Donald Trump goes.” More

21 Comments on Biden’s Pitstop at a Sheetz Lacks Energy

  1. “We’re going to Sheetz Mr President”
    “Good. Me too! I really gotta go!”
    “You guys get to draw straws to see who gets to change my Depends”

    Good Gawd! democRATz are so confident in their ability to cheat they actually put this demented asshole up as their candidate!!

  2. Surprised they don’t keep the Beast fueled to keep him out of these places so he can’t get to where they keep the ice cream and damage / destroy the equipment where the ice cream is kept when he tries to get to it resulting in more us taxpayers have to pay for.

  3. Jethro
    THURSDAY, 18 APRIL 2024, 19:32 AT 7:32 PM
    “I’m surprised he didn’t take a Sheetz…”

    C’mon man! I don’t go anywherz special for Dat.

    I just love it when they make li’l girls sponge my stinky out, then I getz to dooz stuff to ’em later!

  4. The fucker thinks he’s so cool with his aviator sunglasses. You’re inside a building motherfucker, take those stupid-ass shades off and make eye contact with your paid “admirers” you pathetic brain dead POS.

  5. Aww… the mannequin is doing its job jn this thread. They have the ballots already printed, boxed up and waiting. The puppet will win in a landslide. You watch. Watch in awe. Jaw agape. A little trickle of saliva running down from the former of your mouth.

  6. the mannequin is doing its job jn this thread. They have the ballots already printed, boxed up and waiting.

    Speaking of Sheetz… they’ve got the machine wound up to shit 100 million votes this time around!!

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